View Full Version : At last...people who actually understand!!

19-10-06, 00:21
Hi fellow anxiety/panic sufferers.

I started having bad panic attacks last year. I had 6 weeks off work and had to take Diazepam (vallium) for a while. It REALLY helped me. My GP referred me to a clinical Psychologist and I waited a year for the appointment to come through. During that time I learned to 'cope' with my attacks. I done lots of research on the net and spoke to fellow sufferers. They became much less frequent and life got back to normal.

I have now been having CBT for the past 6 weeks and guess what? They are back with a vengence [V] I have been unable to work the past 3 weeks and became so full of anxiety, I couldn't drive or leave the house alone. I am now back on the vallium, 2 days now. It DOES help. I only take one when I am really anxious or have a full on panic attack. I am just taking each day as it comes at the moment.

Anyway, thanks for reading this. I am new to the forum so I hope I've done this right! I would love to hear others comments on CBT and vallium or whatever!

19-10-06, 09:20
hi kittikat welcome and you will get loads of advice on here and help,its helped me so much.i cant give advice on valium as i have not had that,but i am also waiting for cbt.hope you feel a bit better soon and take each day as it comes like you said.take care tracy

19-10-06, 12:22
Yes you have come to thr right place. Sorry you have been having a rough time of late. I am off work too at the moment.

19-10-06, 12:39
CBT is probobly bringing back a lot of the thoughts and feelings you had when you were first having panic attacks. It will however teach you how to cope with them and get much much better. I'm sorry you're feeling rough at the moment- just try andf focus on the positive

Sophie x

19-10-06, 19:36

Maybe the ways you had found to cope were at odds with what you are being taught now and in such it feels really wierd and alien.

CBT also needs you to examine your thoughts a lot and redescribe them in other terms and often when we do that its terribly uncomfortable to start with .. hang in there and hope it helps get to the bottom of the issues and gives you long term release from fear


proactiveness, positivity, persistence, perseverance and practice = progress