View Full Version : recovery?

10-08-13, 17:01
hi ive had gad for 8yrs now and in all that time Ive been going on forums foning helplines running up to gp for reassurance and always talking about my anxiety to family friends but for the last few weeks ive noticed that I when I do all wat ive been doing for the last 8yrs it makes my anxiety worse and now I feel I don't want to talk about anxiety at all. im not sure because of wat I was doing was only fueling my anxiety and that ive finally realized I was making it worse and maybe now I might be on the road to recovery but I don't want to temp fate in thinking I am getting bettercan any one relate to this

10-08-13, 17:13
This forum is great , but Don't spend all day talking, reading about anxiety.. The mind can't forget it ,if you spend all day consumed in it still.
You need to live like you don't have anxiety.

10-08-13, 18:03
Tricia you have often posted needing reassurance and help but never doing anything constructive to put an end to the anxiety... Noticing that your focus on it is feeding it and keeping it going is a bit of a breakthrough.
You've been there before with the anxiety, you know what it does, there's no need to further focus on the odd symptoms and feelings. It's best to accept them as anxiety, and know they are normal and let them go. Accept it all.
At the end of the day, anxiety can't stop you doing anything. It's you and your choices that hold you back. Anxiety only tricks you into believing something is wrong. That's why it is necessary to fool it by showing you can live your life just the same with it.
If you haven't read it yet, read "nothing works" in my signiture.
Yes you don't have to talk about your anxiety, if anyone asks how you are, say "never better!" even if you are feeling rotten. You will feel better just for that.
Try just for a week pretending you don't have anxiety at all and see how much better you feel for it.

10-08-13, 22:46
thk you for your honesty and I will read ur letter and take your advice on board