View Full Version : Area around mithral valve sounds different when sleeping on left side, normal?

10-08-13, 18:24
So i was listening to my heart sound when lying on my left side, the heart beat was normal, but it sounded different, the second beat sounded more sharp. Is this normal or only for when there is something up with the heart?

10-08-13, 19:59
When you say you are "listening" do you mean you are using a stethoscope??

If you are, I would stop using it right now. You would have to be medically qualified to be able to recognise the different sounds the heart makes and to know whether they are normal or not.

If you're worried about your heart, I would go and see your doctor and have them have a listen as they will know what a heart should or shouldn't sound like :)

10-08-13, 20:34
My heart sounds different when I am lying on my left side, this has resulted in me seldom sleeping on my left. I am pretty sure its due to you leaning on where your heart beats stronger (I think it does anyway) so therefore putting more pressure on. When I first started taking Propranolol I thought I had a heart murmur, but doc said I didn't hehe, so must be normal to feel/sound different when you are in different positions.

10-08-13, 20:51
When you say you are "listening" do you mean you are using a stethoscope??

If you are, I would stop using it right now. You would have to be medically qualified to be able to recognise the different sounds the heart makes and to know whether they are normal or not.

If you're worried about your heart, I would go and see your doctor and have them have a listen as they will know what a heart should or shouldn't sound like :)

I have listened to different heart sounds and murmurs, i would recognize if something is wrong. I am not going to get rid of this stethoscope, but i will try and only use it when i really need to (when something feels wrong with my heart) from now on.

---------- Post added at 20:51 ---------- Previous post was at 20:50 ----------

My heart sounds different when I am lying on my left side, this has resulted in me seldom sleeping on my left. I am pretty sure its due to you leaning on where your heart beats stronger (I think it does anyway) so therefore putting more pressure on. When I first started taking Propranolol I thought I had a heart murmur, but doc said I didn't hehe, so must be normal to feel/sound different when you are in different positions.

A reply i was looking for. It wasn't making any murmur sounds, just sounded very different in sound tone compared to when standing up.

10-08-13, 23:42
'A reply I was looking for' With those types of replies you aren't going to get many people answering your posts I'm afraid. People are only trying to help and we have seen you post about your stethoscope before. If you are indeed trained to understand heart sounds then why are you asking those of us who aren't for our opinion?

11-08-13, 00:04
'A reply I was looking for' With those types of replies you aren't going to get many people answering your posts I'm afraid. People are only trying to help and we have seen you post about your stethoscope before. If you are indeed trained to understand heart sounds then why are you asking those of us who aren't for our opinion?

Listen i only need to know to calm myself down. Isn't that what you people do all the time?

Everyone always gives me different rules, you people can do this paranoid and insane stuff all the time and get away with it, me on the other hand im always judged for it and treated differently.

A reply i was looking for, because it was related to my question, not someone telling me not to listen to my heart.

KeeKee's response helped my mood, AuntieMoose on the other hand didn't give me an answer i was looking for, i was asking if OTHERS have had this SAME thing. I guess i will be banned now just for being slightly annoyed. I mean seriously i don't get why everyone is always on my backside just for having no one else to talk to. I have been checked out, but like most anxiety sufferers they are never convinced. I have nothing else to really distract me so i only find relief on this site. But even then no one really seems to be interesting to me since i never think anyone is "compatible" with me, i am very cautious about people i talk to since i always feel hurt when a friendship can't do anywhere. Perhaps maybe if i had more people and things happening in my life i wouldn't be here right now going on this tangent about how i feel that i am treated unfairly for no reason what so ever. But thats why i don't. and im here bored worrying about my health. I am trying to calm myself down but all you people do is tell me to shut up because i don't know if this is common with other anxiety sufferers or what. I hate having to go on these tangents but this is what built up rage and frustrations towards people does to me.

11-08-13, 00:11
We don't ban you for being annoyed.

Moosie is correct though - you are not trained in using equipment to listen to your heart and I would think it would make things worse to be honest because you listen to every beat and analyse it.

We are not cardiologists though and you do need to get checked out by one if you are worried.

11-08-13, 00:17
We don't ban you for being annoyed.

Moosie is correct though - you are not trained in using equipment to listen to your heart and I would think it would make things worse to be honest because you listen to every beat and analyse it.

We are not cardiologists though and you do need to get checked out by one if you are worried.

I have already been checked out. They found nothing wrong with the size of my heart, and i had a quick ECG, found nothing wrong then either. But i have nothing else to think about.

11-08-13, 00:19
Ok well that is good news then isn't it?

Why don't you have anything else to think about?

11-08-13, 00:43
Listen i only need to know to calm myself down. Isn't that what you people do all the time?

Everyone always gives me different rules, you people can do this paranoid and insane stuff all the time and get away with it, me on the other hand im always judged for it and treated differently.

A reply i was looking for, because it was related to my question, not someone telling me not to listen to my heart.

KeeKee's response helped my mood, AuntieMoose on the other hand didn't give me an answer i was looking for, i was asking if OTHERS have had this SAME thing. I guess i will be banned now just for being slightly annoyed. I mean seriously i don't get why everyone is always on my backside just for having no one else to talk to. I have been checked out, but like most anxiety sufferers they are never convinced. I have nothing else to really distract me so i only find relief on this site. But even then no one really seems to be interesting to me since i never think anyone is "compatible" with me, i am very cautious about people i talk to since i always feel hurt when a friendship can't do anywhere. Perhaps maybe if i had more people and things happening in my life i wouldn't be here right now going on this tangent about how i feel that i am treated unfairly for no reason what so ever. But thats why i don't. and im here bored worrying about my health. I am trying to calm myself down but all you people do is tell me to shut up because i don't know if this is common with other anxiety sufferers or what. I hate having to go on these tangents but this is what built up rage and frustrations towards people does to me.

I think AuntieMoose was just trying to help, she was probably thinking that you listening to your heart with a stethoscope is just going to make you more worried so that's why she said you should stop. But if it helps calm you down then that's fine.

Its ok mate, knowones on your backside and your not going to be banned for being annoyed. we are all just here to help each other and hopefully get some relief from our anxiety. Sometimes peoples posts can get miss interpreted and seem rude or annoying but most people are here to try and help.

Hope you feel better soon :)

11-08-13, 01:10
Obviously people will have different opinions as this is a forum and people deal with things differently. I also believe when you are feeling low and vulnerable you can misinterpret people's replies.
I do however feel that some people are quite defensive at times and I do not see why. We are all in the same boat and should be helping each other. There is nothing worse than conflict when you are seeking reassurance.
It is inevitable people are going to feel upset if they don't get the replies they expect. I would. I would also be taken aback if I was giving my opinion and it was taken as an insult or put down so I'm not taking sides here.

I DEFINITELY do not mean to offend anyone, but I can see why some people are saying what they are saying.

We have to stick together as I know few people who have health anxiety and nobody who isn't suffering from it understands it. That is why it is vital we all stick together.

11-08-13, 12:38
Obviously people will have different opinions as this is a forum and people deal with things differently. I also believe when you are feeling low and vulnerable you can misinterpret people's replies.
I do however feel that some people are quite defensive at times and I do not see why. We are all in the same boat and should be helping each other. There is nothing worse than conflict when you are seeking reassurance.
It is inevitable people are going to feel upset if they don't get the replies they expect. I would. I would also be taken aback if I was giving my opinion and it was taken as an insult or put down so I'm not taking sides here.

I DEFINITELY do not mean to offend anyone, but I can see why some people are saying what they are saying.

We have to stick together as I know few people who have health anxiety and nobody who isn't suffering from it understands it. That is why it is vital we all stick together.

You said it well. I was feeling low and always feel vulnerable due to the amount of times people have just treated me poorly and unfairly for no reason.

11-08-13, 13:07
Nobody I have seen have treated you poorly or unfairly, they can just see how damaging your obsession with your stethoscope is and how you need to break to habit, just as the pulse checkers need to. Until you can get rid of the stethoscope you aren't going to make any considerable progress and will continue to brood. You aren't as far as Ive seen a dr or medical professional so you have no idea what it is you're hearing.

11-08-13, 13:13
Nobody I have seen have treated you poorly or unfairly, they can just see how damaging your obsession with your stethoscope is and how you need to break to habit, just as the pulse checkers need to. Until you can get rid of the stethoscope you aren't going to make any considerable progress and will continue to brood. You aren't as far as Ive seen a dr or medical professional so you have no idea what it is you're hearing.

I have been to a DR, he listened to my heart and found nothing wrong with it. My obsession isn't because of the stethoscope, its because i have no one else i feel like talking to. I have no real way of distracting myself since most things can't take my mind of my health.

11-08-13, 13:50
You clearly say:

I have listened to different heart sounds and murmurs, i would recognize if something is wrong. I am not going to get rid of this stethoscope, but i will try and only use it when i really need to (when something feels wrong with my heart) from now on.

This is what you have said that worries me and why i think you do have an obsession with the stethoscope and don't recognise it. As you aren't medically qualified I cannot see how you would recognise if something were wrong, google cannot train you to adequately know these things otherwise people wouldn't train for years at great expense.

I am not attacking you and neither is anyone else, we're only trying to help.

12-08-13, 01:59
Well I'm sorry if I didn't give you the answer that you were looking for JCRyanDenton.

But I stand by what I have said. I'm not one to say what people may want to hear and I have a good reason for that, and that is, that it doesn't help you.

I was not in any way attacking you or getting on your case and giving you a hard time as you seem to think.

It was quite the opposite actually, I was trying to help you.

I'm not going to say anything else about your use of your stethoscope, if you think that you're doing the right thing for you and it's helping you then you go right ahead.

I'm sorry and sad though that my post has been misunderstood, and I accept that you wish to be left alone, so I will wish you all the best.

12-08-13, 02:00
It wasn't you moosie at all

12-08-13, 21:15
Well I'm sorry if I didn't give you the answer that you were looking for JCRyanDenton.

But I stand by what I have said. I'm not one to say what people may want to hear and I have a good reason for that, and that is, that it doesn't help you.

I was not in any way attacking you or getting on your case and giving you a hard time as you seem to think.

It was quite the opposite actually, I was trying to help you.

I'm not going to say anything else about your use of your stethoscope, if you think that you're doing the right thing for you and it's helping you then you go right ahead.

I'm sorry and sad though that my post has been misunderstood, and I accept that you wish to be left alone, so I will wish you all the best.

Im alright now, im sorry i lashed out at you guys. And quite the opposite, i wish to have people interact with me more often. It may actually help with my anxiety and depression.

And i havn't used the stethoscope today, probably won't again for a long while. At the moment im worried about these twitches i get on my facial muscles right now (not suffering any worrying symptoms though). I guess it won't end this health anxiety.

12-08-13, 21:46
Glad you're feeling better today. Remember we wouldn't lie to you and tell you we're ok if we thought something sounded suspicious. But of course as we know none of us are medical professionals.

Anxiety can of course produce twitched all over the body including the face. When I'm tired my eye twitches sometimes. Looks from
My eye worse than it actually is if that makes sense.