View Full Version : Apologies if this shouldn't be here

10-08-13, 22:35
I've been off medication (Duloxetine) for 10 days and I'm struggling through horrible withdrawals but I'm managing, or WAS managing. Now I'm worrying and my stomach is churning and I'm full of negative thoughts because my cat has disappeared. Yeah, I know!
I last saw her at around 9.30 last night, checked every few minutes but no cat. My huge worry is theres a group of about 7 teenagers at the end of the road, all hanging about and being noisy, and I can't get the thought out of my head that they have done something to her! You hear/read of so many stories about cruelty and she's such a softy, she'll go to anyone for a cuddle. I hope with every part of me that she got scared and is hiding somewhere, but its not like her to stay out this long. I know she's a cat and cats can look after themselves, but the pessimist in me can't help thinking that she's gone.

I'm being stupid aren't I? I don't now why I ever thought I'd be okay off meds:scared15:

Oh we'll, I'm off outside to rattle my door keys, if she hears she'll come in.

Thanks for reading.

10-08-13, 23:04
Hi willow,

Im presuming the pic is your cat and she's absolutely cuddly cute. Id be going up to her for a cuddle. Lol
Im sure shes just off for a feline frolic and will be back. She might be crazy outside so those teenagers better beware!!!
Youll have to write back with news of her, or youll have me wondering!
Hope you doing alright without the drugs.

11-08-13, 12:00
Hi Erika and thanks for replying.
No, that's not my cats picture. Thelma (I have her sister too, called...yeah, Louise! Those names were the vets idea) is similar as she's a tabby.
I hope you're right and she's just gone off for a wander but that's not like her. I have foxes too (not as pets) so maybe they scared her.
I just keep thinking the worst! Hoping she's not laying injured somewhere.

Being off the meds at the moment is a struggle, withdrawal plus a missing cat is not a good mix!

Take care.

11-08-13, 14:31
Just wanted to say, I hope you'll find your cat soon! :hugs:

11-08-13, 18:11
I also hope you find your cat soon. :flowers: x

14-08-13, 18:22
I have found my cat!:yesyes:

I'm sooooo relieved I can't tell you:yahoo:

I was just out in the garden talking to my son, when I heard a meow, I kept calling and finally traced the sound to my next door neighbours shed! She opened the shed door, and out come running Thelma aka Mavis!
So after 3 servings of food and lots of fussing, she's happy now.

Ooh, I'm so :D


14-08-13, 18:46
awwww am so glad she is back. Hope you are doing ok too.