View Full Version : A&E Over Panic Attacks Yesterday

11-08-13, 11:27

Yesterday I really didn't feel well. I felt panicky from the moment I opened my eyes so I tried my best to calm down. I decided to take my medication early to help me relax, but the Prozac brought on a little Panic Attack. It wasn't anything I couldn't handle, so I decided to use my Rescue Spray and take an extra scented Lavender Bath to help. It did to an extent, but the nagging Anxiety was there in the back of my mind. The Lyrica, Haloperidol and Seroquel didn't even help. I began to imagine all sorts of things like a heart attack, a stroke and a brain tumor and told my partner that I could no longer deal with the Panic and needed to see someone.

He drove me to A&E. It was crowded in the waiting room on a Saturday afternoon and that only added to my panic. I was beginning to get the dreaded tingling feeling in my face and hands and was terrified I would make a show of myself in front of the whole waiting room. The triage nurse called me in, checked my pulse and blood pressure and they were sky high. At this time I truly thought that my heart could have pounded through my chest. I asked her if I could possibly wait in Sub Waiting because I was so anxious and she thankfully agreed. She brought me a Xanax and sat me down in a chair in the corridor.

I began to feel relaxed and then the Doctor saw me for a few routine questions. When she heard Borderline Personality Disorder her line of questions changed and she began asking if I ever heard voices telling me what to do. I, of course, told her I didn't. She took some bloods and urine and they came back fine. Number one ticked off the box of things NOT to be worried about. No heart attack, no stroke, no tumor. She assured me that I was fine and that I was surrounded by medical teams and that I was safe. I told her my fear that the Prozac was driving me insane and she informed me that she would give the on call Psychiatrist a call for me to have a chat to her. She sat me back on the chair in the corridor and I began to feel agitated and anxious again. I began walking around and bumping into people trying to do their jobs so they gave me another Xanax and I fell asleep in my chair for an hour. It was a further four hours before the Psych got to me.

When she finally called me I was calm enough to be able to talk to her. I told her that I suffered two Panic Attacks and that I felt the Prozac was driving me out of my mind. She listened. I suggested that I go back on the Mirap, but she said that she was only on call and that any medication change would have to come directly from Dr. Kirrane. She was, however, kind enough to listen to me about my Panic and prescribed me Xanax until Tuesday when I see Dr. Kirrane. I must have spent an hour with her discussing medication, Panic Attacks, Xanax and heart attacks.

I was exhausted. The PAnic Attacks has well and truly drained me, but the day wasn't over yet. We had to drive around to find a Pharmacy open at 9pm on a Saturday night. We finally came to Boots in Roselawn and were lucky enough that they were open. We collected my prescription and finally went home. Like I said, I was so tired that all I wanted to do was sleep. I quickly made a camomile and took a Xanax and crashed out in bed until this morning.

I will never forget yesterday. It goes to show that some of us can come out the worst when it comes to Panic. I'm just glad that the nurses, Doctors and medical team at the Connolly understood my needs.

11-08-13, 13:10
It sounds to me like you have the mental tools to deal with panic and anxety, up to the point where you use medication.

I too have been to A&E from anxiety, and it truly sucks.

I've never taken medication though, and never will.

Perhaps it's worth thinking about weaning yourself off the meds?

Quite clearly this requires professional consideration first, but you have been diagnosed with a 'disorder' that may or may not be accurate.

I just know that I have been through some intense periods of anxiety leading to ambulances being called, and have recovered without the aid of meds. Sure it comes and goes, but I see a clear correlation between my own personal efforts in self help (meditation etc) and outside influences (stress levels that life can throw you) so why would I want to get into the cycle of medication?

Obviously this is my own spin on things, so take it however you want.

Hope you feel better. :)

11-08-13, 13:24
Edward I am sorry you had such a bad day yesterday but it sounds like you got plenty of support at A&E which was good and will have reassured you. I know those on prozac say to wait longer for it to work but for me personally when I was prescribed Prozac it made my anxiety sky high and I have never felt so bad before as I did then. It was not for me and I had to change my meds which thankfully worked for me. Wait and see what the Doctor suggests on Tuesday. It sounds like you handled the situation yesterday really well so well done for that :) I hope you are feeling more calm today? Panic attacks really are draining :( :hugs:

11-08-13, 17:04
I am so sorry you had a really bad day, as Annie says you had plenty of support from A&E.
You are taking a lot of medication. I have only heard of two sorts.
Perhaps you are taking to many, maybe the alternative tablets are not suitable
with your meds.
I hope you get it all sorted when you have had your appointment on Tuesday.
Thinking of you:hugs:

11-08-13, 19:34
Sorry to hear about what you went through yesterday, I really do sympathise as I know what it's like to feel panic that badly. I do think I'm learning though as when I get bad panic attacks I keep telling myself I've been through this before and it will pass, the waiting is awful but it does pass. I hope you can learn this too Edward then it will remove some of the trauma from your life. I find that if I go into my bedroom and lay on the bed the attack passes quicker. I hope you can find something that will make it easier for you to get through an attack.

I bet you've felt worn out today after yesterday's events. Hope you feel better soon and the Doctor helps on Tuesday x

11-08-13, 21:25
Bless you Hun, I've been like this it's unbelievable - totally feel like your not on the planet , like your falling uncontrollably from a mountain and can't stop. I know it's a weired analogy but it's the complete turmoil you get yourself in durring a panic episode and the reality is nothing's happening to you , you & your mind are doing it to yourself! Mimicking life threatening events such as falling or having a heartattack. Bloody awful!!!

Hope your feeling a little better x

12-08-13, 00:26
Hello Edward,

It is just the pits when you have a panic attack, they are truly awful things and yes, they will completely drain you. I remember one morning when I woke up and went straight into a panic attack, I did manage to get a handle on it and calmed down, but I remember sleeping for practically the rest of the day!!!

I'm glad that you had plenty of support at A&E.

It does concern me though that you felt you had to rush there in order to calm down.

I know with me that A&E would be just the worst possible place I could be if I were in panic.

I'm not saying that you did anything wrong by going there because you didn't at all.

But A&E units are very busy and stressful places and it sounds to me like all it really done was to raise your anxiety and panic even more, it's kind of like you convince yourself that because you are there, that there really must be something awful going on.

Do you have a mental health crisis team where you live Edward?? As I was just thinking that it may be more helpful to you if you could speak to them as opposed to going to A&E, that way, the whole thing would be more relaxed and less anxiety and panic inducing, plus they would be able to help you if they felt that you needed medication to help you through.

You did really brilliantly when you used your spray and had your bath. Maybe if it happens again, you could go and lay on your bed and listen to some soft relaxing music or ask your partner to give you a nice relaxing massage.

I know it's petrifying Edward when your in panic, but maybe just have a go at riding the panic out.......I promise you that nothing bad will happen to you, all those symptoms will stop and then you will grow in confidence and you wont be sooo terrified of them. It does work as that is what I've had to do, I didn't like it, but it's worked for me.

12-08-13, 11:38
Thanks very much guys.

I'll never forget it. The pure panic that struck me was too much for me to handle. I honestly thought that this time I was losing my mind and that it was a nervous breakdown. What the hell is happening to our bodies when this occurs is what I'd like to know most, because mine felt like I had threw myself from a three story building.

A & E were fantastic. I have to give them that. They talked to me, ran the urine and bloods, gave me Xanax to help with the panic and rang the on call Psychiatrist to have a chat with me about the Prozac. They really couldn't have done anything more for me. I really appreciate the time they took to deal with me when I was walking around the A & E in pure panic and agitation.

Apparently Aeneas knows it all already. I just had him on the phone. "You were in A&E on Saturday. What's wrong? I had to remain calm on the phone while he was going off on one. He really isn't the most understanding person. "How do you know? I calmly asked? "We got a fax. I'm getting you seen weekly from now on". Tuning out. Not able for Aeneas today. "Fine". "And don't think I don't know you got Xanax". Fuming. "OK Aeneas". End of conversation. He was driving. I aught to call the police and get him a penalty point!

The Medication: I know I'm on a lot. I wish I wasn't. The Clopixol injection will replace the Seroquel. I don't know about the Haloperidol yet. I was asked one day which one I wanted decreased and I asked for the Seroquel. I'm down from 300mg to 200mg and eating like a horse. I have to stay on the Lyrica or I'd be in A&E with panic attacks daily. It doesn't banish them, but it helps. I will be speaking to DR. Kirrane tomorrow about definitely getting off of the Prozac. I can't take it any more to be honest. I have a feeling I'll go through a "Wash out" week if she does agree to let me come off them.

12-08-13, 13:59
Ahhh Edward that's loads of medication:ohmy:

I can't believe they allow you or anyone to have all that at home??? The docs should check everyones previous medication for a recurring problem surely and if one doesn't work, then bin that and try another! This isn't good for anyone.

I'd defo have a chat to the doc. Let us know how you get on Hun x

12-08-13, 14:04
Thanks Col,

I get daily dispensing due to a recent overdose so it isn't too bad.

I will be having a word with the Doc tomorrow. Of course I'll let you know how I get on :)

18-08-13, 06:05

Can you believe Aeneas?

He was there on Tuesday last when Dr. Natasha clearly said that she wanted me to call Aeneas when I get bad and not go to A&E anymore.

I got bad on Friday because of the Prozac withdrawal and what did Aeneas do? He didn't even bother to help or call out. He just told my partner that if things get worse then to bring me to A&E. What?

18-08-13, 09:54
its not really a case for A&E, is there not a mental health crisis team you can contact?

19-08-13, 13:31

Dr. Natasha and Aeneas are my mental health team, but they are not there on Saturday, which is when it happened. I'm sorry, but I feel I did the right thing going to A&E.

20-08-13, 00:27
Well Edward what choice did u have other than go to a & e.

I agree u did the right thing x

20-08-13, 09:02
Thank you Col Xxx :hugs:

20-08-13, 13:27
I no how you are feeling I can't even go out my panic is so bad always hear for a chat hugs xxxxxx:)

20-08-13, 13:44
I hope things improve for you soon. You were very brave going to A&E, and you did what was right for you. x

21-08-13, 08:49
At the time I really needed to go to A&E. It wasn't just Anxiety any more, it was pure Panic.