View Full Version : Those darn little red spots...

11-08-13, 21:22
Hi all,

I'm a 20 year old female and over this past month I've had dreadful health anxiety. I've got a history of depression, but the HA is a new one. I've been recently diagnosed with anemia and am currently on iron supplements but unfortunately, it hasn't cured the HA. Obviously I had all the blood tests and everything was fine; aside from my iron which was 7/12. I would be here forever listing what I've gone through this month so I'll try and keep it to the point. It started by my arm going really cold and thought I might be having a stroke or that I was going to have my arm off. Doctor later told me it was anxiety and since then I've thought I've had about everything under the sun (mainly worries about my circulation). The HA caused me to have a dreadful period; it was so bad my abdominal muscles were sore for two days after. I've also had all the other anxiety symptoms such as phantom pain here there and everywhere, headaches, breathing trouble, tight chest and that tight band around your throat - the whole kit and caboodle. I've had to stop taking baths and stick with showers because every time I look I find something new ('that spot wasn't there before!' 'where did that bruise come from?!') I've also not been sleeping well for fear my 'ills' will suddenly get worse over night and I'll wake to find my limbs have turned black - I've got irrational fears that my circulation is going to fail; no idea where it's come from.

But one thing is plaguing me still are those darn little red spots/flecks you get on your skin (you know the ones, they're tiny and red and don't do anything). The reason being is recently I discovered some tiny spots similar on the soles of my feet and in between my toes. They don't itch, they're not swollen and I've no pain in my feet.

Yet, I freaked.

I saw a podiatrist who told me it was a sweat rash (then Dr. google came along and I freaked again because 'oh god, it doesn't look like a sweat rash!' and 'they're not going away!') But I also feel he didn't really look so obviously I've been winding myself up thinking it's all sorts. Petechiae was the main one but they do actually blanch when pressed on. I've noticed them for 3 weeks and they've not changed (the things are minute!) Then I terrified myself that my circulation is going to fail and they'll amputate my feet and that these tiny spots are related.

But as they've not changed in 3 weeks I'm slowly to beginning to think maybe they're harmless.

Just as I feel a bit calm about them, then comes along that voice of "don't convince yourself it's nothing in case it's something."

I am sure you can all appreciate, it doesn't matter what anyone says: it's always something sinister.

Basically, I need a bit of reassurance and wondered if anyone else had those red things on their feet? Or any idea as to what they might be? I've got the red spots/flecks on my arms and a few on my legs and chest (as does my mother and grandmother) but none of them have them on their feet. My mother pointed out you get them everywhere else, so why not your feet? I am planning to see a dermatologist to really put my mind at rest though. But obviously I'm still worried they'll say its something bad!

12-08-13, 05:51
I get little red spots/flecks on my skin here and there, been getting them years now. I assume they're broken blood vessels where a little bit of blood has leaked out. I think anemia can be a factor in causing them, so keep up with your iron tablets, but honestly stress/anxiety is the main factor if you ask me, as I never used to get them before. Sometimes a spot will disappear (within a period of days, weeks or months) sometimes it never goes. But anyways, they've never done me any harm :) Have you been walking a lot? Are your shoes too tight? maybe that's why they're appearing on your feet? Even if they're not the same as mine, they don't sound sinister. If I (or you) were getting tons of them spreading over large areas of skin that'd warrant a doctors trip, but if they're just here and there I wouldn't worry X

12-08-13, 06:46
I've had those and they are completely harmless! It sounds like you're really struggling with HA. Have you mentioned this to your doctor?

12-08-13, 11:16
Thanks both for your replies! Glad to know other people get those things.

@imissnotworrying That had crossed my mind (both the anemia or anxiety causing it). I have noticed I seem to have more on my arms since becoming stressed. I had been walking a lot and then I had a period of relative inactivity and then started walking again. But I have been having problems with my shoes regarding the recent heat-wave over here. Like I said, I think a trip to the dermatologist is probably my best bet. I just wished they were showing signs of my fading! :)

@xvolatileheart It did get pretty bad. I'm not so bad now. I've discovered it's worse when I have little to do (I'm on the summer break from university). We recently went away for a week and I felt really good, but I've come back home (my home environment isn't the best) and it's started to flare up again. I am seeing about going to stay with some relatives down the coast for a while though - I have the type of mind that's always working. I haven't seen the doctor for about a month or so since I was put on the iron supplements, but she was aware of my HA. She told me off for looking things up on google (and rightly so). I did see another doctor before her who checked all my circulation and told me it was fine and at my age it would be. I am going to have counselling in September in relation to my depression. I haven't been to see her about these other worries (the red spots) for fear of wasting her time!