View Full Version : Advice please how to beat anxiety

11-08-13, 22:03

New to this website and would appreciate anyone's real life experience on how to stop anxiety symptoms? How long before they disappear?

Im desperate and will try anything

Opinion of my docs is my symptoms don't point to any single condition so therefore I must be suffering from anxiety

I spend a lot of time googling trying to identify what is causing my symptoms but don't ever get anywhere, I genuinely feel that if I can identify the cause I can get treated properly

My symptoms (last 6 month)....
Back pain middle back, worsens with bending
Chronic constipation
Legs (mainly hamstrings) feel weak however no loss of strength
Arms sometimes also feel week
Eye floaters
Tingling spine face legs fingers
Sharp pain top of head comes and goes seconds to hours
Pain cramping bottom of feet
Burning nerve pain back legs arms - not so common

I know things like googling is anxiety related, but even when I have few days where not directly thinking about it, the symptoms come out of nowhere

Seems to be worse symptoms when I'm at work does not bother me quite as much when relaxing at home or weekends

It's been 6 months now I just want to be my normal self again it makes me sad i feel like I am dying slowly, please god will this ever leave me alone. Wish I could stop it, ruining mine and my family :-(

11-08-13, 23:50
Hiya, you said that your symptoms are worse when you're at work? What sort of job do you do? I have to sit at a desk all day and I notice during the week I get a lot more back pain, foot cramping, tingling in my arms due to typing, I wear glasses and get hell of a lot of eye floaters apparantly made worse by looking at a computer screen all day, headaches aswell because of this. do you think your job is making you more stressed?

I know what you mean about symptoms coming from no where, I can be having a really good week/month then all of a sudden it just comes flooding back, that's the horrible thing about anxiety you just never know when it's going to pop up next!

Have you spoken to anyone other than your doctors about your symptoms? I luckily have a really supportive boyfriend (who is ill himself at the moment which is making my anxiety worse!) or I know you can get councilling on the NHS which may help?

It does sound yours is more muscular though as you seem to get a lot of back/nerve pain, do you feel yourself tensing up a lot??

12-08-13, 10:07
Hi thanks very much for the comment, yeh I also work in front of a computer, I don't so much feel stressed however I notice my symptoms come on when I'm trying to focus on something or during a call or when speaking to people I work with

I don't even notice the tensing up so I don't know how to stop it, maybe I will join a gym

12-08-13, 10:09
I have found that Pilates helps me.

12-08-13, 10:14
Sitting at a desk is really, really bad for you. I found this out through painful experience.

I found getting up and walking around every 45 minutes or so helps.

Also, meditation really is a magic bullet for a lot of people. Read up on Vipissana, but understand it takes some practise. It's no different than building up physical fitness.

Unfortunately there is no simple answer in how to beat it, but seeing as it's fairly early days for you the one thing i'd recommend is that whatever you do, don't start worrying too much about the anxiety. The GP has already told you there's nothing wrong with you and it's when people start worrying about the anxiety that it can become engrained. Imagine it's just like a headache or a cold, and give it no more thought than that. Let it pass, learn to relax and get your body moving a little bit more at work.