View Full Version : Feeling od doom and my stomach issues

12-08-13, 04:34
I am having a rough night mentally. My stomach has been a mess, and the past week I have been focussing on it obsessively. As a result, I notice every pain, and everything seems exacerbated. It now seems worse than ever, and now I cannot help but wonder if it is worse, not because of anxiety, but the pains are from something overlooked.

I have had abdominal discomfort I have posted here about before for about 9 or 10 months. Lately I have been obsessing more than ever about it and it seems worse. So the cycle begins. I have been to the doc twice about it and feel like I am just reassurance seeking if I go back again, but feel so uncertain too.

I know 10 months with no real honest worsening of symptoms points to almost nothing but anxiety, but now thy I am dwelling on hm it seems like thy are getting worse.

I have been down this road before, the small symptoms become more serious while dwelled on. Now, every time I swallow a bite of pod I wait for he acid burn in my to match. Sometimes it shows other times it doesn't.

I used to have an iron stomach...now I guess being almost 43 is catching up to me...

Thanks for letting me ramble.
Edited for gregious errors posting from tablet....damn my fat fingers

12-08-13, 05:29
I really feel for you. The last couple of weeks I have been plagued by stomach symptoms which I've never had before. I can hardly eat, but when I don't eat, I feel shaky and panicked, so it seems like my whole day revolves around eating - not too much, not too little, regular intervals, the right foods, etc. :wacko:

Like you said, symptoms that don't worsen over a long period is surely a sign of anxiety. However we become hypersensitive to our bodies so we feel every little thing and amplify it. Try to focus on a symptom and think objectively about it. I've done this with chest pains before where I'm sure it's a heart attack, then when I focus on it and ask myself questions objectively, I realize that it doesn't actually hurt that bad, I'm just really scared.

You're not alone! Hope you get some relief soon. :hugs: