View Full Version : Experience I never wanna go through again.

12-08-13, 08:36
So last night I'm in bed reading and I could hear my pulse rate going fast I then began to think 'its the middle of the night and no ones awake what's happening to me' I began to feel all jelly like and as if I was about to end. I called my mum ad she helped me get calmer even tho I was telling her this was it for me! Do any of you think it was a heart attack and not panic?

Please help

12-08-13, 08:46
Sorry to hear. Hope you're feeling better. It was a panic attack, not a heart attack.

12-08-13, 10:17
I agree with TheScript.

12-08-13, 12:07
You suffered a Panic Attack, which sometimes feels like it is a heart attack happening. I'm glad you're feeling better :)

12-08-13, 13:03
hi katy...I had an attack last weekend,i woke up and felt all dizzy and floppy ,felt like I was blacking out and thought my heart was going to slow or something,i thought it was the end for me,i even started to cry and just freaked out,i called my mum at work and she called the ambulance and when they came they hooked me up to monitor and my heart rate was normal ,told me it was a bad anxiety attack..when I got to the hospital the 2 doctors said exactly the same that I had a really bad anxiety attack...its hard to believe them but now I know it was just an attack and my heart is fine,3 days prior to this I started deloxitine (Cymbalta) and unfortunately one of the side effects can be increased anxiety which the doctors say is what triggered such a big attack...im still shaken up even a week later but I keep telling myself its just anxiety and hoping one day all these feelings of anxiety will disappear :) I hope this for everyone who suffers from anxiety x

12-08-13, 20:16
I get this quite often at night and I always have to call out for my mum, too. It has felt like a heart attack for me and I was also sure that it was the end and I was about to die, but it always stops eventually. It is a panic attack, not a heart attack.