View Full Version : early morning blues

12-08-13, 09:19
Hi guys.despite some of my recent things i have overcome.im plagued with this early morning blues..every morning i wake up ,i just feel dull flat and it just feels like im in the same day as yesterday and the day before and on and on.i dont even want to get up as it feels pointless somehow ,not worth it...as i just spend all my days just sitting on a bench in town and wait for 3hrs to go by,before coming back to my sisters to then sit in my room untill bed.. somedays i dint utter a single word to anyway.any advice

12-08-13, 09:33
are there not any local support groups you can go to during the day Greg ?

12-08-13, 09:47
In the same boat as you greg!!! So hard to get motivated to do anything.

12-08-13, 09:58
No local groups in my area..i did goto a center for a couple of months before.they used to pick me up and take me there and bring me back.but its only short term..so it can to an end..iv aplied at charity shops and am on a waiting list.im looking in job centers,but nothing...the days all roll into one and dont ever seem to end..its like ground hog day .every day..been doing this for 4 solid months now and have had enough of it

12-08-13, 10:06
Mornings are always bad for me too, but without the same situation as you have.

I would say it's encouraging that you are looking for something to do, I'd be more concerned if you weren't.

I bet that once you have a routine and something to do you'll feel a lot better.

12-08-13, 10:15
I have found that now I am filling my days with things to do I am feeling much better but it is harder for you to do this because of your circumstances. In our area our doctors have a gym referral system...maybe you could ask your doctor about it and then you won't have to pay for membership? You could then have an hour or 2 in the gym every day. I have started to do all sorts of craft activities, I don't know if this could be an option for you?

12-08-13, 10:41
There is a Gym in my town ,only one..But itsva private run gym and i dont think id get any kind of funding for it.shame because in my old town where i lived before i was a member of a gym and was going every day and loved it there..the town im in now seems to be quite limertid to whats avalible for me,where as my last county i was part of ,offered more in the comunity for mental health..just not sure how much longer i can continue with this daily rut im in..i need to do something for sure..you can only sit on a bench on my own daily,for so long

12-08-13, 12:01
I ended up in a respite home for a few weeks which was a very boring place to be.I would go for a long walk everyday this made me feel so much better

12-08-13, 12:13
Well Andy i go for a three mile walk to town.then sit on a bench ( as i am right now ) then after about two hrs or so,do the three mile walk back.But im still not satisfied.iv done this now for so many weeks day in day out..iv got to try and break this cycle.

12-08-13, 12:14
Perhaps go for long bike rides or take up a hobby like photography? Or even combine the two.

It sucks being alone, as I found out several years ago after a particularly nasty break up. This was just before I started suffering with anxiety very badly, and in reality I wasn't even alone, I just lived alone.

12-08-13, 12:20
Greg lets hope you get lucky with one of the charity shops,take care

12-08-13, 13:38
Yep i hope i get lucky.if i can get out of this groundhog feeling and get a life with someone to chat to in my day and not feel this constant lonelyness,ill have a chance to get my life back on track again..ohhhh i long to feel normal and joy and look forward to things.just to look forward to the weekend because of working hard all week,would be such a joy

12-08-13, 14:24
So sorry to hear that you have got this blip Greg when you had such a positive time, I don't have any magic answers but just to let you know wishing you the best in finding a solution.

12-08-13, 15:57
Thanks Kim.thanks all for your advice

12-08-13, 19:17
Greg the mornings have always been the worse time of day for me too.

I have the same thoughts as you too like, what's the point in getting up?? Getting dressed, all the days seem to roll into one at times.

I'm a lot better during the Summer Months, as I can at least get out in the garden for a change of scenery. But I really do find the Winter Months hard to deal with.

I have started my crafts up again now, so I'm trying to fill time by doing them and it does help.

I hope that you soon hear from the charity shops as I think you'll find that really helpful plus you'll be meeting new people and making new friends which are all positive things :)

12-08-13, 21:53
thanks AuntieMoosie (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/member.php?u=45765) .yes im waiting for things to open up for me to get myself busy and meet new people rather than spending every waking min with myself and my negetive thoughts,