View Full Version : Introducing myself

12-08-13, 13:13
Hi, I am a 16 year old girl who has suffered from anxiety frequently from the age of 8 due to three close members of my family passing away. My anxiety only used to occur within the first two months of a new school year and in crowded places. However, since September 2012 i have suffered from anxiety much more often, leading me to having panic attacks. In September i found out i have 'biotin thiamine basal ganglia disease' which is rare and since then my anxiety levels have risen and just keeps getting worse. So I thought I would come here and ask for advice on how to handle my anxiety :)

12-08-13, 14:18
hello karisa! :) welcome to no more panic :) you have to come to the right place for support and how to manage your anxiety.....im new to this to...but im sure a more experienced no more panic member will be along shortly to point you in all the right directions :)

Daisy Sue
12-08-13, 14:36
Hi Karisa & welcome :)

I'm glad you found us... this forum is a brilliant support, advice, & friend base for anyone suffering with anxiety & related issues, no matter what age we are.

I'm so sorry you've lost people close to you - I have too and know how much it hurts.

I hope your condition is under control & doesn't cause you too many problems.

Have you left school yet? And if so, what career path are you considering?


12-08-13, 22:35
Hello and welcome

12-08-13, 22:37
Welcome to the forums! I'm sure you'll find plenty of help and support here - I certainly have. :)