View Full Version : Dropped beats

12-08-13, 18:41
ok so after visiting the doctor three times and having an ecg they finally felt my dropped heart beats, Now I don't know whether this is all down to stress or there is actually another reason for this.
I am on 26 all my blood tests and blood pressure have always been normal but the past 3 weeks Ive suffered on and off and today the doctor has finally felt it.
I have been described beta blockers and just wondering if anyone else has had these and their experiences.

Daisy Sue
12-08-13, 18:47
Yes - I have, and I know I've posted about it here somewhere but can't remember where...

My GP also felt my missed beats, which really sent me into panic mode as I'd almost convinced I was imagining it. Two GPs tried to reassure me it was normal, as were the palpitations... but I needed more than that so eventually saw a heart specialist privately... all is ok, and yes it's normal. Apparently the stomach can affect the heart, through the vagus nerve, and that seemed to be the case with me... smaller meals help enormously, and so has stopping drinking diet coke or any caffeinated drinks.

I hope yours settles down soon. Like you, I was given beta blockers but told only to start them if the symptoms distressed me. Once I'd seen the specialist I really calmed down about it, so I haven't taken them.

12-08-13, 18:59
ok I did think it had something to do with my digestive system and I have stopped drinking coke and coffee to try and relieve it.
I have the prescription but not been to get them yet as im in work, just worried in case they will slow my heart down too much x

Daisy Sue
12-08-13, 19:12
I've found that quite often my gut feeling - excuse the pun - is worth listening to, so if you suspect your stomach is affecting your heart, try and concentrate on treating that gently, & keeping to small meals often rather than large ones.. and maybe see if an over the counter ant-acid makes any difference.

I don't know much about beta blockers other than if you're prone to low BP, they can make it even lower and you can feel dizzy. At least if you get them and your heart symptoms are really bothering you, you know you've got something to help.

---------- Post added at 18:12 ---------- Previous post was at 18:04 ----------

I just read a link that Skippy66 posted... have a read - it's really good :)


12-08-13, 20:04
Hay man. I get these too from time to time. It used to be way worse where I would get them every day. Many times a day. It would often keep me up at night and it would always freak me out. I've to the ER several times over this and always been told my heart is fine by a bunch of nurses and doctors (including one heart specialist). Eventually I just learned that it doesn't really hurt me even though it feel super uncomfortable. I just got used to it.
One thing that helps me loads is eating smaller meals more frequently and I take magnesium every night. I hardly get any palpitations these days.