View Full Version : Feeling me again xx

12-08-13, 22:32
I am starting to feel like me again :)) I am not thinking about dying soon anymore but it's got me thinking something... It all started when I noticed a mile had grown went to two doctors and both said looks fine but this mole terrified me and really got me in a bad state! I really started to panic and get anxiety and all sorts was going through my head like its skin cancer and I'm going to die! I was referred to a dermatoligist to ease my mind all is good with this mole and all the rest of them :)) I was put on sertaline by the doctors because I explained how I was feeling like health anxiety and feeling I'm going to die Ect... But now I know the mole is fine I feel completely normal like myself so I'm thinking was it really that I'm suffering from anxiety or was it just down to worrying and over reacting about my changed mole? And did the doctor put me on sertaline when really I didn't need them? Just a thought I've just had xx

13-08-13, 14:02
It's weird, isn't it. I'm the same. I apparently have an illness called POTS (though I still worry there's something worse going on) and all my health anxiety started with my symptoms. I wouldn't be horribly anxious otherwise. If you're only anxious over one thing, then I don't think it would normally count as generalised anxiety disorder. Could count as a trigger for panic disorder though. Either way, glad your mind is at ease.

13-08-13, 16:46
Thank you, the mind is a crazy thing I've always been a worrier though and think of the worse in situations always have even from a very young age xx

13-08-13, 20:55
I'm the same... Gp gave me a script for sertraline today, not sure if I should take it or not :(

13-08-13, 21:02
Hey Jennifer8907,

Glad to hear your feeling better. Yes maybe if this was just a 1 off worry then you may have not needed the Sertraline but you never know as these worries can start to take over everything and then branch off into other worries.

So did you start taking the Sertraline if so how long have you been on it for as that may be another reason you are feeling a bit better?