View Full Version : I thought I was alone !

13-08-13, 08:52
I cannot express how grateful I am to have found this place !

I am 22 years old and since the age of about 11 I have had a fear of not being able to use the bathroom if I needed to, this, in conjunction to being bullied in school by both students and teachers, lead to me being home-schooled for a year.

It got better for a while when I was at college, but recently it has been getting really bad again. Every year I go to a Christmas show with my partner and his family and last year was the worst, we were in the middle of the room, in the middle of a row and no way to get to the toilet. I sat there panicking, sweat pouring down my neck, feeling sick to my stomach and sitting on a wad of toilet paper incase I needed to go.

The thing is, I don't need to go, when I get to the toilet, not much, if anything comes out, but when I know I can't go, there is a pressure in my bladder telling me I need to. It's horrible.

I am due to graduate next month and I am dreading the graduation ceremony because I know I won't be able to use the toilet.

I am desperate for any type of help. I thought I was alone until I came on here !

13-08-13, 10:33
Sometimes just reaching out and talking it through with others in a similiar situation can help. I am sure you will get plenty of help and support here.

13-08-13, 23:26
Hi. Welcome aboard. You've certainly found a good place to be.

I'm sure you'll find lots of support here, as I have.

13-08-13, 23:26

Daisy Sue
14-08-13, 00:12
Welcome Teddygirl :) You're definitely not alone. A lot of us have 'triggers' to our panic attacks, and with information and the right advice, your reactions can definitely improve, so don't lose hope :)