View Full Version : Mind and tummy

13-08-13, 09:57
A little something around me has changed and sent me into a state of almost panic. I have a simple morning job that I enjoy with some very nice people. But because my mind is so busy worrying about this little change I can't concentrate and feel like my head is in a fog. Its like trying to have a brainstorm but only ending up with low cloud!

Of course, this is also playing my stomach up as well. Its bloated and I really struggle to eat which is really not me.

I have a doctors appointment tomorrow (blood pressure check) so I'll have a word and see what he suggests :shrug:

13-08-13, 16:04
They call the stomach the second brain! I am the same, any anxiety and it immediately affects my stomach, let me know what your GP suggests?

14-08-13, 15:20
I was given some pills which may settle my stomach down. The box is downstairs and the name is so long I can't remember it! He gave me some information on a NHS self referral scheme for CBT so I'll look into that.

17-08-13, 12:21
Hi guys, yes its true the mind is directly linked to the stomach. In fact my anxiety brought on IBS pretty bad (never had or heard of it before). I can now only eat certain foods now without being ill at night or the next day. Its biologically changed me for sure. All the food I love is off the menu now :( . However, at least I am forced to eat good food now instead of crap. Always a positive way to look at things :)

17-08-13, 12:29
Hi all,

I have had anxiety for about a year now and it has messed with my stomach completely. I cannot go out without feeling sick and I definitely can't eat out without feeling sick. I noticed the changes in my stomach functions coincided with the anxiety. It's not a nice feeling! I haven't yet had it diagnosed but I have also suffered many stomach/bowel problems that are symptoms consistent with IBS since the anxiety flared up. I feel your pain :(

17-08-13, 20:28
Hi all
I too have what can only be described as ibs, had terrible virus or food poisoning in April, stressful job (left in July), signed off two weeks with anxiety etc, started citalopram (been on before 3 yrs ago) 10mg for 8 weeks now.
Had all tests going, scans, bloods, coeliac etc all clear.

Doc also said the mind controls the stomach. I have to be really careful what I eat now. Started my new job last week, nice place, people, ate a sandwich on Friday by 3pm, hot/cold sweats, diarrhoea, great just what u don't want in new co etc. this now has made me feel anxious again about going back to work. It's a vicious circle.
