View Full Version : Chicken or Egg

19-10-06, 12:58
About a month ago, I returned from a pleasant holiday in Italy.
This was on a Saturday.
On the Monday, I went shopping and suddenly had a really horrible feeling of swimmy headedness and a feeling that I was walking uphill.
I went to my GP and she said that I had probably caught a virus on the plane and that viruses could take a long time to clear up.
Last Sunday, I went to an energy clinic feeling as though I was about to die.
My heart-rate was up to 120.
By trying to think soothing thoughts, I got it down to 80 and felt better.
However, my tonsils were red although not really painful and they were exuding a bit of white stuff.
I had a blood test last Monday and get the results next Monday.
My tonsils are still reddish although the white stuff has gone.
However, my legs have now become achy and heavy.
I think that on the Sunday, I was having a panic attack, but was it caused by worry about my other symptoms?
I don't know what to think any more

19-10-06, 13:31
Hi there,sounds like tonsilitis,and you probably had anxiety from worrying about your symptoms.Hope you feel better soon.;)

Ellen XX

19-10-06, 14:23
I'd love to think so, but I've never heard of a virus infection lasting so long.
You might be right that the other symptoms are down to anxiety.
Anyway, I must await the results of the blood tests without panicking.
The throat is not really sore enough for tonsilitis but surely panic couldn't produce red tonsils.
That tought rather sustains me,

19-10-06, 16:15
Some viruses can last a long time

Anxiety can't make the tonsils red no. I have had a sore throat and red tonsils for over a month now but can't be bothered to see doc cos they just prescribe anti-biotics and they make me feel rubbish!

I am hoping mine just clears up.

Good luck with the blood tests results

People will forget what you said
People will forget what you did
But people will never forget how you made them feel
