View Full Version : Scared and anxious

13-08-13, 11:05
I have been off work on maternity leave. I am due back at work on the 2nd sept. Through out my leave I have mainly not enjoyed it. Partly due to my baby suffering with colic and reflux. But also because I bumped into a collegue about may time who said we would have to re-apply for our own jobs in October. I e-mailed my boss in July for a catchup who confirmedd this butt has said our restructure has been pushed back to April nxt year. I have been there nearly 11 years. I know I will be going as compared to other staff I am not the best performer. Every day I can't shake the feeling of utter dread. I am scared of the future. I feel like a failure and don't know how to support my family. All I can see is how do I get another job in this economic climate..