View Full Version : anxiety hell

13-08-13, 15:58
Hi, I am new to this forum. I am 46 year old female, married mature student. Until 3 months ago my life was normal even though I had some health anxiety it didn't affect my life. Three months ago after a diagnosis of illness I went into free fall and now suffering acute anxiety. I cannot believe I am at this point, although I have dealt with the initial diagnosis problem I now have a fear of this anxiety, with the state I am in. I keep getting constant fear/panic feelings but not attacks if that makes sense, I feel like I am going mad or getting some type of mental illness (now I have developed an fear/ocd about going insane). I am just going round in circles...I have constant physical symptoms and lot of the psychological ones too.....im getting to the point of asking my gp for something but people tell me it isn't worth the addiction and side affects. I have cancelled a family holiday to spain and ruined everyones annual holiday and just cannot imagine life been the same again. No matter how much I am trying to self help nothing is working, I just feel panic all the time and fear.....

13-08-13, 16:13
It sucks. So so much. The thoughts that go round and round and round and the constant what ifs. I've been dealing with health anxiety for a year now, to the point where I've become paranoid about every mark and stain I see on a surface- I wash my hands constantly in OCD fashion. Have only just started seeing a psychologist which does help but at the end of the day it's up to me to change back to the carefree person I use to be. I have to take little steps each day and rejoice in my small victories like only washing my hands once instead of twice when I use the bathroom. I have to congratulate myself for my small victories and not constantly berate myself when I fail. It will et easier and I will get better but I have to keep trying, what makes me feel uncomfortable now will ultimately benefit me in the long run. You can't stop living your life. Do not stop doing the every day activities u use to do/enjoy. You may feel uncomfortable doing them now but u will look back and say "see it didn't kill me last time so I can do it again". And when that scared little voice says but what if.... (Insert worse possible case scenario here) you say yes I know you there fear/anxiety, I haven't forgotten u I'm just a little busy living my life at the moment so I'll have to deal with u later.

13-08-13, 16:18
Welcome Andrea,

Anxiety IS a mental illness. I am not trying to say that to scare you...but it's true and there are millions of people suffering from it. Fear of going "insane" is a classic symptom of anxiety........you are NOT going insane. Look on the forum for as much information as you can about therapies and medication so you can make an informed decision about your next step.

You will be fine:)

13-08-13, 17:25
Welcome to the forums! I'm sure you'll find plenty of help and support here - I certainly have. :)

Treatment options have changed a lot in recent years. Nowadays the medication used is non addictive (SSRIs are used more frequently nowadays rather than addictive meds like diazepam.) So I recommend asking your doctor for help. I'm feeling a lot better since I asked for help.

21-12-14, 21:28
hi I'm jess i suffer from severe anxiety and depression :)