View Full Version : Now its stools!

13-08-13, 16:25
I'm getting very stressed about this. I looked at my stools and they are quite dark brown. It's worrying me there is blood in it.

It's been last couple weeks. Not sure what 'normal' is for me as I've not checked before. When I wipe it just seems normal brown. But when I look at the whole thing together it's really quite dark. It's not black.

Please help

13-08-13, 16:26
Stools change colour all the time - dark brown sounds normal

13-08-13, 16:29
I but it's really quite dark brown?

I've got no one to ask to let me see theirs! Disgusting I know. I wish I could ask my husband but he would freak and say I'm taking it too far. In the past I've compared his urine and felt for various glands etc but I thInk he would think its a step too far. :(

13-08-13, 16:43
You would know if it was black, it's ummistakeably odd. Dark brown is fine.

13-08-13, 17:43
My poo ranges from very dark brown (especially after I've had a glass of red wine the night before) to yellow (after I've had a tasty chicken vindaloo the night before!)

That was probably too much information! But what I'm saying is that shit changes colour all the time.