View Full Version : feel like I'm going insane

13-08-13, 17:16
I have constant left arm pain, left jaw pain, left shoulder pain and these sharp chest pains. I don't feel stressed yet they're always there. I have seen 5 doctors over the last 3 months as well as a physio and a neuro surgeon. I have had my blood pressure tested, cholesterol tested even been for a mri. All tests show normal. The doctors say that there is no way I could have a heart attack.

I can't deal with the pain anymore. I feel like I'm going mad as I worry that they could be missing a potential heart problem.

I don't want to take anti depressants as they make me feel horrible and cause depression.
I get the feeling that no one believes me and that they think I'm crazy. The pain is real it's not in my head. My job and my relationships are suffering. If anyone has any advice please share

anx mum
13-08-13, 17:24
Your not insane hun I feel the same getting horrid pains there scaring me doc puts it done to anxiety but I think part of me dosent believe it. How do u cope? Have u got much support?

13-08-13, 17:29
hi there
thanks for your reply. I don't have muvh support, my boyfriend tries but I have a feeling he is also getting annoyed with me. My mom and brother think I'm crazy.
I've tried seeing a psychologist even a hypnotherapist and they have helped but yet the pain remains.
just don't know what to do