View Full Version : Insomnia - weird images when closing eyes!

19-10-06, 13:55
Sometimes when im anxious or over-tired, I cant sleep because every time I close my eyes I get scary images in my head, for example: scary faces!

Does anyone else get this or am I officially crazy?!

19-10-06, 14:07

I get weird things like this too, its images in my head just before i am going to sleep , they are very strange but when i try to remember them a split second later i cant which freaks me out big time!!

You are not alone and i continually feel like i am losing the plot!!!

Take care

Claire x

19-10-06, 19:28

I am ssssssssssssoooooooooooooooo with you on that one. It really freaked me but as the years passed and it never stopped i got used to it.


Also the sorts of dreams i have are completly and utterly so awful that if i could film them they would never make the censor.

If you want to pick my destroyed brain on things feel free.


19-10-06, 22:44
Glad to know its not just me!

I dont want to make light of the situation because obviously alot of these symptoms are awful but If you take the dreams/imagination part in a light hearted way, it is so much easier to deal with!


19-10-06, 23:59
Wow so gald to hear other peoplehave this!!!Inhave had these 'pictures' for years!!!I see faces and they twist and change ,kings ,children monsters etc..so clear too!I have noticed it happens just befor sleep,so now i just watch them behind my closed eyes,and know i will soon be asleep!But as i have been suffering from insomnia,i have not had them as clearly as normal?It is odd isn't it :) nite nite!Love mary rose.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

we are all in the same boat and can guide each other ashore

20-10-06, 00:59
Hi Claire :D

My daughter suffered pa,s, anxiety from a very early age 3 :( she is 13 now and doing just great [^]:D

She had this symptom for awhile, round about the age of 5 or 6,when trying to sleep I would confort her, but when she closed her eyes she would say, mummy it scares me. She would open her eye's and look at me with fear in them, she would also say that my face looked funny and scary too :(

At that time I did what you say to do Claire, I would ask her to try to change the faces to something she liked, a cartoon person or something, put face paints on the face to make it more funny. It took along time but this symptom passed over time.

You are sooo right claire, high anxiety symptoms are awfull and soooo scary at times, but taking this symptom in a light hearted way, helps alot, it stops you fearing it and in time it goes away.



20-10-06, 11:25
hi, i used to get this as a child. i used to see hundreds of snakes all twisted together, or sometimes just weird scary stuff, although mine were there when my eyes were open, like if i looked at the ceiling, i could see them on the ceiling. My son gets this too, i guess lots of people do.

I dont get the images now, but i do get very confusing thoughts when i'm dropping off to sleep - like mary rose said, its kind of like a signal that you're about to go to sleep, i actually find it quite comforting.

i guess you're not officially crazy, either that or we all are ;)


20-10-06, 20:44
I get these scary images too, when I am overtired. What I do is I visualise myself in there with the faces, creatures or whatever. Then I talk to them, tell them that we can all be friends, tell them to calm down and to go to sleep.
I know this sounds weird, but so far it's always worked for me.

"You can't yell loud enough to make me shut up."