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13-08-13, 18:09
Hi all,

I've been suffering with this latest symptom for about a month now. Basically, my tongue feels very strange when I talk and I seem to be focussing on every word I say. It almost feels like my tongue is not in the right position when I say certain words or phrases. I am not slurring any words or pronouncing any words incorrectly. It just sort of 'feels' different and my tongue seems to be touching parts of my mouth/teeth that it never used to when saying certain words or phrases.

I've been to a Neurologist who could not find anything wrong and Ive also been to the GP who said my tongue looks ok (no infections) etc. The GP thinks it might be down to anxiety.

Can this really be anxiety? Seems like a very real symptom just to be made up by my brain!

Any help or advice would be much appreciated.

13-08-13, 19:42
I get this on and off, the more I think about it the weirder speech feels. Sometimes I feel as though I am not pronouncing words properly as they feel hard to say but I sound normal to others. When I am not thinking about it though I speak naturally and normally. When speaking feels weird I sometimes like tap my teeth together etc and like you find my mouth movement weird. You will be glad to know this has mostly worn off now as I find something else wrong with me, I am sure the same will happen to you.

13-08-13, 20:01
I get this on and off, the more I think about it the weirder speech feels. Sometimes I feel as though I am not pronouncing words properly as they feel hard to say but I sound normal to others. When I am not thinking about it though I speak naturally and normally. When speaking feels weird I sometimes like tap my teeth together etc and like you find my mouth movement weird. You will be glad to know this has mostly worn off now as I find something else wrong with me, I am sure the same will happen to you.

Thanks very much for your reply. I am really freaked out by this. The GP says if this wears off I will probably replace it with some other 'symptom'. However, it seems so real, it feels hard to believe that it is 'all in the mind' so to speak.

14-08-13, 01:27
One of the things I learned I. One of my self help books was that if you focus on something, it always gets worse. For example - focus on your left foot. After a fee minutes you will start to notice it tingles, feels weird - all sorts of funny sensations. This is NOT in your head - your symptom is real. But if the docs have already said you are fine, focusing on it is probably blowing it up in your head and making it feel worse - that is how the anxiety is affecting it. Try and ignore it for a few days and see if it gets better. I would bet it does and then you will have your answer. Hope this helps!

14-08-13, 21:40
I get this A LOT when anxious, especially if I am about to give a presentation (I do some public speaking). I feel like nothing comes out right!

14-08-13, 22:59
I get this A LOT when anxious, especially if I am about to give a presentation (I do some public speaking). I feel like nothing comes out right!

Cheers. I seem to be getting this with everyday speech. My tongue also feels like its stinging at times and i sometimes get a strange taste in my mouth. It's really freaking me out at the moment.