View Full Version : Upper back and chest tightness with pain :(

13-08-13, 18:49
I was walking around at home and started feeling chest tightness, I didn't really think much of it.
I went to Walmart and as I was walking around there it started to become painful, more of a dull pain. I also feel the same pain in my back and around my breasts. My neck feels tight and by right armpit there is the same dull pain.

I sat down and I'm feel a bit better, but I'm so scared. When I press on my chest area I get pain too. Anyone get this?

I also wasn't feeling anxious or anything :(

13-08-13, 19:04
hi I have the same thng right this minute. tight chest back neck arms and face. headache feel sick and dizzy. if u have pain when pushing on ur chest then it is more than likely to be muscular I have had panick and anxiety for years it very scary I have new symptoms now numbness in mouth tongue right arm bad headaches every day I fear brain tumor. I am goin to doctors on Friday I feel so ill.

13-08-13, 20:06
hi I have the same thng right this minute. tight chest back neck arms and face. headache feel sick and dizzy. if u have pain when pushing on ur chest then it is more than likely to be muscular I have had panick and anxiety for years it very scary I have new symptoms now numbness in mouth tongue right arm bad headaches every day I fear brain tumor. I am goin to doctors on Friday I feel so ill.

Hello Lisa, thanks for the reply. :) makes me feel better that I'm not the only one getting these symptoms.

I'm sorry to hear about all of your symptoms, and just like you I also have brain tumour anxiety. If you need anyone to talk to send me a message, we can talk about our symptoms and see if we have anything alike.

Thankfully, the chest discomfort has gone away, I'm just worried now that it will come back.

Good luck at your doctors appointment

Take care xx

13-08-13, 20:34
im just sitting on my bed and the room is spinning its horrible I have 3 kids here. do u have facebook account

14-08-13, 03:27
Just sent you a message!

15-08-13, 13:49
hi i had that same thing for months on and off,it feels like you cannot take in a deep breath and ive had pain in my sternum as well as upper back and shoulders and the one that really frightens me is breast pain mostly on the left.ive had mammo and ultrasound last march and everything is fine and been diagnosed with costochondritiis so it think all this pain and chest tightening comes from it and muscle spasm.it may be resulting from muscle tension for i have this anxiety for 7 years now.As a physiotherapist i do some stretching for the upper extremities as well as chest and back muscles.

15-08-13, 15:30
hi i had that same thing for months on and off,it feels like you cannot take in a deep breath and ive had pain in my sternum as well as upper back and shoulders and the one that really frightens me is breast pain mostly on the left.ive had mammo and ultrasound last march and everything is fine and been diagnosed with costochondritiis so it think all this pain and chest tightening comes from it and muscle spasm.it may be resulting from muscle tension for i have this anxiety for 7 years now.As a physiotherapist i do some stretching for the upper extremities as well as chest and back muscles.

Thanks for replying
It's great to hear you don't have anything serious. I wonder if mine is the same thing. I notice sometimes I get the exact same pain but in my arms. I will start doing some stretching as I'm probably very tense.

Thanks again x