View Full Version : Finally seeked some proper help

13-08-13, 19:11
Cut a long story short, I just joined last night after several years of suffering from anxiety, depression and an alcohol problem. Anyway, the alcohol is now behind me thanks to substituting it with valium. Stopped cold turkey a week or so ago and have never felt worse than i did yesterday. Turned up for work this morning shaking and sweating and after going to my doc's was taken to a and e. Anyway, they pretty much told me off and said it was too dangerous to stop like that so now ive been put on a reduction programme to cut it out and hopefully get my life back. Don't really know why i'm posting this, just needed to get it off my chest and cant tell work, family or friends. thanks for taking the time to listen and i guess my point is that if anyone is going through something similar then seek help and dont try to do it alone.

13-08-13, 19:15

You will find lots of support here.

13-08-13, 19:19
Thanks, actually feel a little positive for the first time in a while though i'm not kidding myself its going to be easy.

13-08-13, 19:50
It's good to have someone to talk to... People here are very friendly x

13-08-13, 20:03
yeah, it seems that way. It's nice to know theres plenty of people who know what youre going through. Anxiety is awful, but before it happened to me, i was guilty of thinking it was nothing. How wrong i was

Daisy Sue
13-08-13, 22:56
I'm really pleased to hear that you've now got the right help and guidance for doing this properly. Good luck! Let's hope all the bad days are behind you now, and only better ones in front of you :)