View Full Version : Have I given my brother gad?

13-08-13, 22:34
I don't mean have I given him anxiety like you would give someone the flu! Lol but basically I'm 25 and my brother is 16 In my family we are all quite open with the fact I have anxiety and talk about it which helps me but I fear that maybe my brother is suffering now because of me. I have health anxiety and I worry about everyone's health and I think he has started to aswel i haven't spoken To him about it yet but I notice the little things that I catch myself doing sometimes he is now doing for instance searching for reasurance on health issues and asking if things are normal etc
How can I get him out of it before he falls in to deep! I don't know how to start the convo with him and I'm worried if he recognises what he's doing he will do it even more as we all know when we focus on things it becomes habit. Or should I let him get on with it and hope his rational mind wins? Is it even possible for someone to start suffering when they see another suffer the same?

19-08-13, 17:23
I think u should talk to him about it, you'll regret not doin so if he does develop it and let's be honest health anxiety is absote sh***, and if u can keep him from going down this road then do it

19-08-13, 18:56
I think I've passed on my anxiety to my little sister too and I'm devastated about it! It's hard though if you live together or are close, they are bound to know everything that goes on in your life. I've now made the effort to stop mentioning my worries around her and when she comes to me with a worry of her own I always reassure her and don't make a big deal of it. Hopefully it won't stick like it did with me because I'd hate for that to happen to her too.