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View Full Version : Aching in my left arm. Help? :/

13-08-13, 23:26
I just went to the doctors for heart palpitations which caused me to gasp for air, among other small things, one being I got an achy tight squeezing feeling in my left arm a couple days ago.
She said it's most likely anxiety but she'll do full blood tests the next time I come in.
I'm going in again on Friday, but right now my arm is freaking me out again.
It feels a little more painful than last time, from my index finger all the way up to the middle of my upper arm.
My younger sister leaned on me earlier today and the same arm went tingly, so I thought at first maybe it was that but it didn't hurt till an hour afterwards.
Also, my index finger is aching along with my arm this time and the time before?
I've been trying to stay away from google because it just makes me more panicked.
First thought in my mind was heart attack but it's been about 25 minutes, so now my heads yelling blood clot, can those happen in arms? :weep:

13-08-13, 23:49
It is extremely likely to be anxiety my love.

Daisy Sue
14-08-13, 00:08
Sounds like anxiety over an otherwise normal arm reaction to being leaned on. I've never heard of heart-related arm pain being in the lower arm & hand only.

Try to concentrate on calming yourself down and making your mind focus on something else other than physical feelings... if you can manage this, even for just a few minutes, it should help.

14-08-13, 00:17
Thank you for your words.
The ache has gone away for the most part...
I'm fairly new to having HA, just these past two months-ish after I had a panic attack that seemed out of no where one night. Now every little thing makes me jump. :doh:

Daisy Sue
14-08-13, 00:21
Thank you for your words.
The ache has gone away for the most part...
I'm fairly new to having HA, just these past two months-ish after I had a panic attack that seemed out of no where one night. Now every little thing makes me jump. :doh:

That's exactly what panic attacks are - putting us on 'alert', so we're ready to jump/run when we feel danger or fear. I found that understanding why we get the panic symptoms and what they make us feel, was really therapeutic for me - I totally got the logical side of what was happening to me, and it helped enormously.

Glad to hear the ache has settled down :)

14-08-13, 01:01
I agree with daisy sue reading up on how health anxiety works and the way out minds work when we have it has really helped me to. Remember your mind is a powerful thing and it can make you have sensations anywhere in your body if you think about it. A big thing that has helped me I found myself a hobby :) I used to get terrible sharp pains in my stomach for months that remally scared me but when I started doing crochet and teaching myself other things my mind was of the subject of my tummy :) and the pains gradually went. It's worth getting a few books on anxiety it will help you understand so much more :) xx