View Full Version : Hey

14-08-13, 00:50
Hey all, I'm Trystan, I live in England, just turned 25, and happy to have found this forum. I hope to give good advice to people and receive it as well. :)

A little background to why I'm here, I posted this as a thread on a sports forum I'm on all the time, which I recieved some good advice but thought I'd share with everyone here considering people here may have actually gone through or are going through similar things to me currently.

I posted this in February:
I'm having anxiety attacks far more frequently than before. I've had attacks on and off for years since I was a kid and have had my heart checked numerous times with the all okay signs (the attacks have the same symptoms as heart attacks minus the feeling sick symptom). But just after Christmas, about a month ago, I had a major anxiety attack which I collapsed, and resulted being rushed to hospital. I thought it was a legit heart attack and thought this was it, I'm dead, because earlier in the day, I had tremendous heart strain, and left arm pain (common sympton of anxiety I believe). Blood tests and everything, my heart was fine.

Anyway, since that day, I've had minor attacks nearly everyday. I had another big one last week which I had to pull over the car because I felt it coming on. I was on my own and had to calm myself down which was extremely hard. And just this morning I had another big one. The big ones come out of nowhere while the minor ones I keep getting are build ups which I calm myself down with.

Also, what's really annoying me is every time I go to sleep, I would be startled awake. As soon as I start dreaming, 10-20 seconds later, I'm awake again, heart racing, sweating... the lot. It happens on average 2-3 times every night but one night, it kept happening and it kept me up all night. Some nights when I wake up after sleeping for like 10 seconds, my leg or my arm is twitching repeatedly and I can't stop it for a good 10-15 seconds.

I've been to the doctor and they subscribed me Citalopram anti-depressant tablets. And also gave me a number for a counselor which I've booked an appointment, but that's not until the end of February.

I'm not depressed and I'm not under any stress, there's nothing in my life that's happening that I'm nervous about so I honestly don't know why this is happening to me all of a sudden.

This is really starting to affect me mentally and socially.

Anyone else get any of this? Or have had this happen to you? If so and you're treated, how did you manage to solve it? Or is it a for life thing? Any advice you can give please?

Will appreciate the responses, thanks.

Okay, I posted that in February, but I posted it here as well basically to give you info on when it all properly started for me. I'm still getting panic attacks often, but not as much, counselling was useless to me, didn't help one bit so I stopped it. I've stopped taking the medication because again they didn't help. My panic attacks have calmed down a bit, a part from hyperventilating (which again thought I was going to die) and having an ambulance come out to me again, with the all ok signs on my heart after an ECG, but what's really annoying me now is constant heart palpitations.

I've never had them like this before, a month ago I was tested for sleep apnea because of my sleeping is terrible and I had the all clear sign on that, I don't have it. But this past few weeks now I've been getting heart palpitations every single day and night. They'll come on sharp around 4pm and last all the way up to going to sleep. And most of the time I can't sleep because they're that bad. 3 nights in a row now and I'm startled awake with real intense palpitations and a racing heart.

I've phoned the doctor and I am in to see them tomorrow and see what they say about my palpitations, they're absolutely ruining me. This anxiety stuff has destroyed me all year.

Anyway, hope to speak to some people here and read some stories of people who may have the same symptoms as me. Honestly, I don't wish any of this on anyone, it's unpleasent and terrifying.

14-08-13, 08:45
Welcome to the forums! I'm sure you'll find plenty of help and support here - I certainly have. :) I'm on citalopram as well. It may take a few weeks to kick in fully. I've been on it since May and it's helped a lot. hope you'll be feeling better soon.

Veronica H
14-08-13, 22:30
Welcome to NMP xV

15-08-13, 01:31
Thanks you two :)