View Full Version : Sense of doom?

14-08-13, 01:51
Hello all. Does anyone else ever get an awful sense of doom as if something terrible is going to happen? I've had it on and off since sunday night and I'm terrified it means something awful is going to happen :-(

14-08-13, 02:06
I am so sorry u feel this way.......usually when I feel like a sense of doom, it only lasts for around 5 minutes. I literally think "OMG something is wrong and not right, something it going to happen!" Then it goes away.
Think of it this way nothing bad has happened yet....right? Don't worry nothing is going to happen.
Also question have you felt like this all day and all night or does it come and go?

Female healthanxiety
14-08-13, 02:06

I get this all the time; it's also like paranoia!

It will go, anxiety is a powerful thing. Try not think about it, your probably just a bit run down, and your brain is over thinking about your symptoms which in turn is probably contributing to your feelings.

K x

14-08-13, 07:19
I get days like this. I wake up & something doesn't feel right. I can never put my finger on what is wrong & the more I think about it, the more it feels like something is going to happen. It usually passes but I really hate the feeling - it's very unsettling. X

14-08-13, 10:23
It's a classic symptom of anxiety, but it's also listed under symptoms of a heart attack which is an absolute nightmare for someone with health anxiety.

You feel it, think you're having a heart attack, anxiety increases, you feel it more, etc etc - it's a vicious cycle.

The best thing you can do to reduce it is to face it head on, accept it and tell yourself it's anxiety playing tricks with you. This should resolve it.

14-08-13, 10:46
Thanks for replies everyone. Still feeling bad today and oh god skippy I didn't know it was a symptom of that :-( I just feel like I'm waiting for something terrible to happen to me or someone close to me :-(

14-08-13, 12:27

Remember this when it happens again....yes it may be a symptom of a heart attack BUT there are many other symptoms that will go with that feeling like; SEVEREclamping chest pains,arm pains, neck pains etc if your dont have the other symptoms then it is NOT a heart attack!!! It is just anxiety and your mind is playing tricks on you. Get up and do something to distract yourself...call a friend and talk to them about anything other than how you are feeling, it will distract you.


14-08-13, 17:55

Remember this when it happens again....yes it may be a symptom of a heart attack BUT there are many other symptoms that will go with that feeling like; SEVEREclamping chest pains,arm pains, neck pains etc if your dont have the other symptoms then it is NOT a heart attack!!! It is just anxiety and your mind is playing tricks on you. Get up and do something to distract yourself...call a friend and talk to them about anything other than how you are feeling, it will distract you.


Yes this is very true - good post.