View Full Version : My son

purple to black
14-08-13, 13:14
I just wanted to share what happened at the weekend as I'm really struggling to come to terms with it all.
My 20 year old son was out at a party at the weekend with his friends and they were taking ectasy and lots of alcohol. As the evening went on one of my son's friends started to become unwell and to cut a long story short he subsequently died in my son's arms due to the drugs and my son was then rushed to hospital where he was losing consciousness but thankfully he was ok.
I had an idea my son was taking drugs but nothing definitive and I'm at my wits end. He's struggling majorly with what's happened and I don't know what to say or do to help him.
My heart breaks for the boy who died and his mum, couldn't have met a nicer young man, so full of life for it to be cut short all over drugs : (
My son and his other friends have all been interviewed and encouraged to name the supplier but they as I are terrified of the repercussions as we live in a very small town and the drug dealers will obviously know it was them and where they live.
I just don't know what to do.

14-08-13, 14:11
Oh goodness - thank god he is ok and how awful you must be feeling for the other family. You need to liaise closely with the police, they must be used to this kind of situation.

All you can do for your son is listen I think. Hopefully you won't need to say anything about his future drug use. The unthinkable has happened: It has 'happened to him'. He is young and has a chance at life left.

It is okay to be struggling and it is okay not to know what to do. Let the feelings wash over and through you, hold your son if he will let you, leave him if he won't.

Bless you all. xxxxxx

14-08-13, 16:45
My goodness, I am so sorry this has happened. I'm glad your son is well, but you and he must be devastated at the loss of his young friend. It's such a sad situation, and there are no magic words that can change that. What your son needs is your love, hugs (if he wants them), and a listening ear. I'm sure you are doing all that already.

And what your son also needs is a strong parent. This means you need to take care of yourself, and seek any support you need with this terribly sad and unusual situation.

I'm so sorry this has happened. It is normal to feel shock and lost. This will pass eventually.

14-08-13, 16:55
I am so sorry that this has happened. I lost my godson the same way, he was just 23. Maybe your son will be able to have counselling to help him through this as I am sure it was a traumatic experience for him. He is young and will be able to get back on track will the love and support that I know he will get from you. I am sure he now knows the real dangers of drugs. Sending you hugs :hugs::hugs::hugs:

purple to black
14-08-13, 19:10
Thank you for your replies.
Cuddles and my love are all he's allowing me to give him. He won't talk about it so I guess I need to give him time. He has been to his gp and they are referring him for counselling, I just hope it doesn't take too long.
Such a sad time and such a waste of a young life, I too hope he has learnt the dangers of drugs, a tragic way to learn a hard lesson though : (

14-08-13, 20:35
Cuddles and love are exactly what he needs. He must be very shocked and maybe just doesn't have the words at the moment. Sometimes it's necessary to just sit silently and be sad. Gently letting him know he can talk if/when he wants to is all you can do. Boys often find it hard anyway, and considering his drug use it might just not be his mum he wants to open up to.

Counselling is often something for a little further down the line. It might actually not be a bad thing if there is a wait of a couple of months. There is often a lot of support in the early days, and people are often too shocked to really be able to talk anyway. There is always Cruse, the bereavement charity - though depending on area they sometimes have a waiting list also.

Are his friends gathering round to support each other?

purple to black
14-08-13, 21:19
Thank you.
Yes he's spending a lot of time with his friends especially the ones who were there with him, so perhaps they are all talking to each other.
Time is a great healer so they say and I'll be here when he needs me.

14-08-13, 22:07
Cuddles and love. What a wonderful combination.

15-08-13, 02:41
I'm so sorry that this has happened to your Son.

Cuddles and love is perfect and is all that is needed hun. Cuddles and love for your Son and cuddles and love for you too.

:hugs: :bighug1: :hugs: :bighug1: :hugs: :bighug1: :hugs: :bighug1: