View Full Version : Going back to work after being off with Panic attacks

14-08-13, 14:21
Hi everyone
I am due to go back to work after being off for 4 months with anxiety and panic attacks. I am a bit worried because my work is the main cause of my anxiety and panic attacks, my panic attacks have stopped now after being off work.

I was receiving some nasty treatment from 2 guys I was working with, ostracising and isolating me. I have asked to be moved from them when I return to work. The work has agreed as I have made a complaint about them..... there was not a lot the work could do because all the attacks were insidious against me....My union Rep has been great and been supportive, but has advised me not to go down the formal complaint route as she feels I am not strong enough, which I completely agree with. I am so worried I feel like a lamb to the slaughter to be honest

These guys are not well liked by other members of staff whereas I am, but I am still scared to death of returning.

Any words of wisdom. Greatly appreciated.


14-08-13, 19:06
Hi everyone
I am due to go back to work after being off for 4 months with anxiety and panic attacks. I am a bit worried because my work is the main cause of my anxiety and panic attacks, my panic attacks have stopped now after being off work.

I was receiving some nasty treatment from 2 guys I was working with, ostracising and isolating me. I have asked to be moved from them when I return to work. The work has agreed as I have made a complaint about them..... there was not a lot the work could do because all the attacks were insidious against me....My union Rep has been great and been supportive, but has advised me not to go down the formal complaint route as she feels I am not strong enough, which I completely agree with. I am so worried I feel like a lamb to the slaughter to be honest

These guys are not well liked by other members of staff whereas I am, but I am still scared to death of returning.

Any words of wisdom. Greatly appreciated.


Firstly I would like to say well done for going back to work. It's tough going back to work when you've suffered panic attacks ect. I can understand why you feel scared but try not to let these guys get to you. You've done the right thing in making a complaint against them and by the sounds of it the other members of staff will hopefully stand up for you. The guys should of been warned by your work not to act in the way they've acted towards you before. If you have any issues what so ever make sure you go straight to your manager/supervisor because the way they're treating you is not fair. These guys are not worth the effort at all. Try and keep that in mind. Also try and take one day at a time.

All the best. :)

15-08-13, 00:18
Thanks Punkyfish

Will take on board what you are saying....just trying to get myself to feel the most confident I can about myself, before I return.

Thanks for your reply and encouragement


15-08-13, 15:04
Definitely well done for going back. If you can beat panic attacks and go back then you can beat the nasty people there. I'm sure you've worked hard to get to this stage so don't let them ruin it! You're better than them :-)

15-08-13, 16:53
Massive respect to you. I can't envisage ever going back - mind you, that's partly because my job has disappeared!! :doh:

21-08-13, 09:56
Thank you everyone for your support....will post and let you know how I get on.:hugs:


21-08-13, 23:59
You are very strong and brave reenymac - good luck

22-08-13, 00:57
definatley very very brave! :) im trying to get the courage to get back to work to,hopefully manage it soon....as for these 2 guys your miles better than them :) and much stronger...I bet they couldn't go through what you have...big respect to you and all the best :)

22-08-13, 21:16
Good luck! I'll be returning to work myself next week, pretty terrified to be honest. I'm still getting a fair bit of nausea from my meds (Sertraline) and I don't want to be too reliant on beta blockers to get through the day.

"Do or do not. There is no try."

24-08-13, 19:11
Thanks Jonathan....all the best Nicola hope all goes OK for you. Let me know how you get on.