View Full Version : Will I sleep well again?

14-08-13, 15:43
On day 13 of taking Citalopram, didnt used to sleep well before taking it, now not sleeping well on it and also feeling extremely tired now and again as a side effect probably.

Do you ever sleep well again on Citalopram or will it always be like this?

14-08-13, 15:46
Are you sleeping worse than before?
The side effect will disappear with the time and cit should help also the sleep (if it can "solve" the A/D).

14-08-13, 15:57
no worse than before, some nights are ok then I have a run of bad nights until Im exhausted and then sleep well.

Its not too bad as I work a couple of days a week, and manage to function ok but would really like to not feel tired all the time. Will have to give it time and see.

14-08-13, 19:12
It can take about 6 weeks for your body to acclimate to citalopram and when I was on it it didn't do anything to help with my sleeping problems, which still persist even after changing from it.

I'd say give it a few weeks and if you're still having problems go back to your GP and let them know you're having trouble. Until then try some simple things like a hot bath just before bed as it's relaxing and helps raise your core temp which in turn helps you get to sleep. Some breathing exercises are good and giving your brain something mundane like concentrating on your breathing can help you drift off.