View Full Version : Had a dream about a specific date, scared it means something bad :(

14-08-13, 17:47
At the end of July I had a dream of all my friends sitting around a table and they kept saying "August 17th is the end of the world" over and over again.
I've hadn't had a dream like that since, but I'm worried since the date is coming up. I have really bad brain tumour anxiety among other things, so I'm just scared that something bad will happen on that day. I'm scared I will die :(

Any advice?

14-08-13, 17:52
Any advice?

Yes, dreams don't actually mean anything.

Nothing will happen.

Relax :)

14-08-13, 18:12
It's easy to let dreams wander into our daily lives, especially if they're vivid or very depressing. I had a dream about a car accident last week and it made me feel awful for the whole morning.

But yeah, don't worry about dreams - they're just scraps of what we think about in our daily lives, all smooshed together. I've dreamt about being shot, mugged and stabbed in the past - and most interestingly I've had several dreams in which I'm a lion.

14-08-13, 20:20
Well I'm looking forward to my birthday, and that's on the 30th, so I'm sure it will all be fine! ;)

15-08-13, 03:15
Thanks guys!
I'm trying hard not to think about it. It's just the first time I've ever had a dream with an exact date :(

15-08-13, 09:53
I had a dream 2 weeks ago that a medium told me I wasn't going to make it threw my endoscopy and I was going to die so yes I get how you feel I had my endoscopy and I'm still here x

15-08-13, 15:36
I had a dream 2 weeks ago that a medium told me I wasn't going to make it threw my endoscopy and I was going to die so yes I get how you feel I had my endoscopy and I'm still here x

Thanks so much for the reply and reassurance.
I know deep down that it's just my anxious thoughts getting involved in my dreams, but of course I'm making it a big deal :(

Take care x

16-08-13, 16:36
Anyone else? I'm still nervous, tomorrow is the 17th :(

16-08-13, 19:01
Really Jen, it was just a dream. dreams are just random thoughts. i know from my own experience they can seem realistic but they are not. Your best bet is to keep your kind busy on other things. Think of something you enjoy doing, particularly something energetic. Put your energy into something positive instead of allowing your mind to be consumed with something like this.

17-08-13, 03:31
Thanks so much for replying Tessar, the reassurance really helps me feel better :)
I'm just trying to not even worry about it, I know it's just a dream, just trying to get it through my head