View Full Version : My son his knee pain and fever

15-08-13, 05:52
Just coming to terms with some of my own HA issues after months, and then new stuff comes up.

For the past couple of weeks my son has been complaining about his knee really hurting him, especially walking on it. Both knees at first but now his left knee more than his right, and especially on stairs.

Now he just got back from summer camp where we found out he used flip flops all two weeks because his shoes were too small, and I wrote off his knee pain to that (he is 15 and growing fast and didn't know the shoes were too small).

Anyway that was three weeks ago, we were going to take him to the doc if hey were not improved by this weekend, but tonight he developed a low grade fever of 99.6.

I am trying hard to let the rational side of my brain stay in control but feel like I am losing it. I think about leukemia and tick borne illnesses, or worse. I know that is a huge jump, but I just can't seem to keep my anxiety in check...

15-08-13, 07:02
I'm sure he will be ok but personally I would get him checked because he may have an infection in the joint which needs drugs. x (I am not a doctor but have two family members who had this, worth checking out).

15-08-13, 07:23
Oh will definitely take him in tomorrow, but he fact that both knees hurt him so much is what scares me so much. One knee or no fever and I would have been fine...but the combo scares me

15-08-13, 07:50
I don't think it's very likely that he would get cancer in two knees at the same time, that would reassure me. But rheumatic things can 'twin'. He will be fine.

15-08-13, 14:56
I was more worried about leukemia or lymphoma. I don't google anymore, and havent for the last 9 years, but happen to remember the symptoms. It could be they are not related at all, the fever and the knees in pain, but then the what if thinking takes over and you know how it is.

I have an appointment for him tomorrow but it seems like forever. I hate worrying like this, and I try to bury it as I suspect consciously it is nothing major. But the anxiety part of my brain is in overdrive.

Daisy Sue
15-08-13, 15:21
It could be what they call growing pains.. he's the right age. But I'd get him checked out regarding that temp, could be a coincidence & he may just have a virus, separate from the knee issue.

Hope he's ok.

15-08-13, 16:42
Thanks guys. He has an appt tomorrow, so hopefully all will be good.

15-08-13, 22:30
No fever today and he has a cough and runny nose, and new shoes seem to have abated his knee pin completely. So, all I can say positive about my anxiety this tome is that the ounce of worry was gone in 24 hours. Thanks for h support Hugh folks...no one else understands us like us...