View Full Version : Many headed Medusa

19-10-06, 15:46
I've been doing real well - got myself a CBT psychiatrist and eventually got rid of the dismal anxiety body tightness that I used to get each day. I can now work every day without needing to escape or go home and although I have the odd panic I have whole host of strategies for managing them . . . . but just when you think you have turned a corner - out pops another symptom.

I try to exercise to keep the happy juices flowing about but for the last couple of weeks, about 3 or 4 hours after exercise I get fluttering in my left chest - I'm asssuming these are palpitation - this sets me off into thinking I'm about to die and it takes the whole sheen away from feeling better. Went for an ECg, doctor syas its fine but lo and behold, 3 hours after coming off my bike i get flutters and start panicking again.

Facing death so frequently is just really distressing - most people don't think or contemplate it that often but every time I have a panic or these blasted palpitations I feel as if I am right at the precipice and about to fall in.

spending ANY amount of time there is really hard on your spirit and that is why I think panic and anxiety can lead down the path to depression and agrophobia - you suddenly have to take life and the possible future lack of it VERY seriously - my wife says she notices that I have a special "face" that I put on. I must look as if I have come home from a funeral.

I am - I think - an extravert who delights in the silliness and humour in the world and yet this condition just strips me bare of any of that silly joy I can experience and give to others.

So medusa has sprung the palpitations snake upon me - any ideas for turning it to stone like all my other triggers?

Much love to all us brave soldiers who are in the frontline of anxiety and panic everyday.

19-10-06, 16:13
Hi MC just wanted to say welcome,your not alone pet.We are all in the same boat.You will get some helpfull advise here and make lots of friends.
Take care;)

Ellen XX

richard sharp
20-10-06, 10:45
hi mac you so describe my feelings re palps. i seem to get them when i wake up when my heart seems to beat faster than my pulse[dont know if this can happen or if its just a feeling]
. i can get this several times a night and i spend many hours worrying about what will happen next and although i have been assured by my gp there are no problems its difficult to accept when these things are happening. i also get a sensation of missed beats and on off pattern of beats which lasts for seconds but can send me into panic.


20-10-06, 11:52

Please don't fret over your palpitations!! This is a really common thing, even for people who don't suffer from anxiety and panic etc...

Like I said on another post, I have had palpitations for years, long before I suffered PA's etc and I have recently had my heart tested (it's still strong with no damage!). It IS a horrible feeling and can feel quite uncomfortable and I know as well as pretty much everyone else on here how it feels! Maybe go and see your GP and ask for a blood test to check the strenght of your heart, however, it sounds like you do a lot of exercise so it's probably stonger than ever!

Mo x

P.S. How good does it feel to be rid of that all over body tenseness! :D

Never play leapfrog with a unicorn......

02-11-06, 21:18
I suffer with health anixiety/panic/agoraphobia/obsession. I am doing extremeley ell since starting CBT and have been discharged from my psychiatrists out patient clinic.

At my last appointment, he told me that anxiety is a many headed hydra (he's greek), but you should treat each new symptom with the same contempt you did with all your other symptoms!

Works for me!

Take care,
