View Full Version : Worried about pregnant wife

15-08-13, 11:44
Hi all! Just when I think I am over my worries, something happens and I see I am not.

Long story short, my wife is 33 weeks pregnant. About 3 weeks ago she noticed a bump in her armpit. I chocked it up to breast tissue from pregnancy and didn't stress. She saw a obyn two weeks ago who checked and couldn't feel it. This week she saw another obyn, and this time she did feel it. She said it didn't seem to be breast tissue but it could be. However it is not in that area. The dr said she didn't know what to make of it, but we will see what happens when milk comes in. In the meantime she said we should do an ultrasound next week to get measurements.

Of course this makes me (us) nervous. And it feels bigger since the appt. And I focus on the 'I don't know what to make of it comment'. Any advice for the waiting? All else is good. Bloods during pregnancy ok but haven't had in a few months.

15-08-13, 11:56
I'm sorry, I have no idea but 'I don't know what to make of it' isn't necessarily anything awful. I am sure if there was huge concern they would be doing something about it.

We are full of these lumps and bumps, and they are sometimes more noticeable. I was once sent for a scan on my aorta, during which they found a cyst on my liver. I was told it had probably been there since birth, and not to worry. My daughter has something similar on her spine and the same reaction.

Just focus on the baby for now. Send it happy, positive thoughts and soon it will be here and anything else which needs looking at can be dealt with then. x

15-08-13, 12:03
If it is bigger in a short amount of time it is highly likely to be benign. Pregnancy means hormones are all over the place!

15-08-13, 12:25
Thank you to you both. Yes, I hope it is the hormones. But you know how our minds work, and of course I looked at Dr Google. It seems common in pregnancy to have this, but there were some bad stories. And her doc didn't think it was common. I just hope for the best. It makes it hard for me to enjoy the pregnancy

15-08-13, 19:43
It is smaller today apparently! Hopefully more evidence for hormones.

15-08-13, 23:41
Hi there,

Firstly when us ladies are pregnant, we get lumps and bumps all over the place, and you're right, mostly to do with ever changing hormones.

Lumps and bumps around the breast area are very common in pregnancy as the breasts are preparing to provide milk for your little squidgy one :)

I'd just go along and follow what your specialist has advised, but I'm sure you'll find that all will be well.

I know you find it worrying, but feel reassured and safe in the knowledge that your wife is being well looked after and just focus on your forthcoming very happy event :)

16-08-13, 11:08
Thanks everyone. Your posts really helped. The bump was much smaller yesterday. I hope that continues. I will keep everyone posted. The ultrasound of it is next Wednesday.

16-08-13, 11:12
Yes pregnancy does a lot to our bodies I'm sure all will be fine if it's smaller now I wouldn't stress doesn't sound sinister usually it would keep growing if it was is it painful to touch? Xx

17-08-13, 14:19
Thanks everyone! I really appreciate the support.

After being bigger, it actually shrunk and disappeared! Now it is back again, but so small it is hard to find. I am still stressed, but not as much.

17-08-13, 14:56
Hi robin. I'm not a dr but I think it sounds like a cyst. My dr told me cysts will go up and down in and size and also you can move them about when you touch them. I'm sure after the appointment they will tell you its nothing to worry about and you can all enjoy the rest of the pregnancy :-) xxx

18-08-13, 20:30
Thanks Cassy. That helps.

Yesterday was a good day. The bump or lump was barely noticeable. It was to the point that she joked that she needed to stop putting warm compresses on it so there will be something there for the ultrasound haha. We had a good day.

Today started good. But when I asked her if she could feel it, she could.. although it is still smaller. But she wondered if it is just harder to find. anyway, she got emotional and a bit scared and cried. It is hard for me to be comforting, because I get swept in my own health anxiety. I did my best though. The ultrasound is in 3 days... in a way I am happy it will be over with. in a way I am scared and do not want it to come.

I have been in therapy for a year and a half. I got every two to three weeks. It has helped me when it comes to myself. But this is scary and sucks since we should be happy. Don't get me wrong. We are not moping, but I wish we could just focus on new baby and not have this hanging.

18-08-13, 21:28
I hope all will be well I'm sure it will be if the lump keeps going them coming back could well just be a cyst try and stay positive easier said than done I know good luck with your new bundle of joy when the baby arrives xxx

19-08-13, 13:49
Thanks Jennifer. 2 more days until the ultrasound.

I am feeling sad today, and very anxious. Last week I was off work, and was busy with the family. Today I am at work, and this means my mind has more time to wander off to worst case scenories. I also have time to myself to look things up online, which doesn't help. The scary stuff that comes up is breast cancer, or lymphoma. The bump seems to have gotten smaller, but who knows... I find these tests very stressful.

I have internet on my phone, so I look things up all the time. Last week I purposely left my phone at home, and I had an amazing day! It was like a vacation from myself.

19-08-13, 20:28
Hiya I had a mole that changed it actually grew in pregnancy this mole scared me I was convinced it was cancerous I even started thinking right I'm not going to see my baby grow up finally got to see a dermatoligist and he looked at the mole and all my other ones and said they all look normal.. I also was searching on google constantly and came across horrifying cancer stories this made my anxiety ten times worse so please I know it's hard but try not to go on google... My mum had a problem with her breast also her nipple looked funny and she felt a lump they done a mammogram and all good just cysts due to hormonal changes... Im sure you and your wife will have the best outcome aswell wish you all the best keep us posted xxx

20-08-13, 21:46
I had a lump in my armpit when pregnant and my doctor and consultant at the hospital said that pregnant women get a lot of bumps in their armpits...very NORMAL. Once I had my son, my armpits got covered in loads of bumps and lumps (milk ducts) after a month everything went away and now my original lump has gone. Like your wife, my lump changed size, some days I could feel it, others I struggled to find it. I am sure that it is nothing sinister and I want to wish you all the best for your new baby, it's such a magical time xx

20-08-13, 21:50
Can I just say you have every right to mope! You are going through a stressful situation and if I were in your position I would be stressed to bits too.
That being said, I'm sure everything will be fine and once your baby is born this will all be a distant memory. You wont have time to worry :-)

20-08-13, 22:49
Thanks so much everyone. That means a lot, and helps. I also saw my therapist today and she helped me put things into perspective. I hope and pray everything is ok. The appt is tomorrow but it will be another week before we get the results.

21-08-13, 13:57
Hope it all goes well today xx

21-08-13, 15:11
Thanks Cassy, it is later one today. I feel on edge, but also happy that part of things will be done. I always hate the part after a test where I am waiting for the phone to ring with bad news.

I saw my therapist, and she explained how I view things from a warped point of view. My mom passed away from cancer in my 20's, and ever since that has been a source of fear and my frame of reference. Instead of assuming things will turn out ok, I assume the opposite. Hopefully we will get good news soon.

21-08-13, 20:14
I am just giving an update since she just had the ultrasound.
At first the technician couldn't see anything on the scan (which I hope is a good sign). My wife had her feel the bump... she said she could feel it but sometime's ultrasound cannot see everything. She then too a measurement of something (it didn't look like anything they my wife could see on the screen) and went to see the radiologist. She came back and told my wife she can go and the results will go to the dr.

I am hoping it is ok and the fact that they didn't see anything outright is good. But we will have to wait to see next week. Thanks for all the support.

21-08-13, 22:02
Hi there! I am from Canada as well and I know that when I went for a breast ultrasound the radiologist came out and told me right away that all was well. and one lady there had to be taken into a private room and came out crying so I am sure she got bad results. So I think that if they seen anything that was really bad they would have had you see the radiologist right away. I am sure its pregnancy related.

21-08-13, 22:42
Hi Robin

When i was pregnant i felt lumps under arm and saw a conaultant who told me it was just normal breast tissue relates to preg hormones. I am 5 months after having my baby and I am breastfeeding. I noticed a lump under my breast and had an ultrasound a couple of weeks ago. It was just normal breast tissue related to my hormones from breast feeding.

I am sure it will all be just fine and you and your wife can enjoy the rest of the pregnancy and enjoy your little bundle when he/she arrives x

21-08-13, 23:19
Thank you:)

27-08-13, 19:38
Hi all,

So my wife saw the OBYN today. The ultrasound came back as normal. No mass or anything seen. The bump could be felt by technician but nothing showed up. I am happy but at the same time, wonder what it is? Just normal tissue? Of course Google shows up posts of people with clean ultrasounds that missed their breast cancer. But I know that is biased because the sites that come up are breast cancer sites, where everyone has cancer.
I will take as good news for now :)

27-08-13, 22:40

In younger women it's common to feel lumps and bumps and when they are ultrasounded they show as nothing but normal breast tissue. I've had a couple of ultrasounds done over the years and same as your wife, can be felt but ultrasound shows normal tissue.

Take this as good news and the two of you enjoy the rest of the pregnancy. I'm sitting her just now with my little 5 month old boy sleeping across my chest. He has a cold and is finding it difficult to settle.

27-08-13, 22:55
So happy for you and your wife Robin :-)
Honestly we all have little lumps and bumps. Now try to enjoy the rest of the pregnancy and enjoy your beautiful baby when he/she comes xx

28-08-13, 23:38
:D SO pleased for you!!!!