View Full Version : worse in the morning

15-08-13, 12:08
Hi just wondering if anyone else finds anxiety levels worse in the morning,as soon as my eyes open my mind is on some part of my body,has anyone any advice of how i can deal with this.many thanks Linda

15-08-13, 12:20
Hi and :welcome: to NMP, I too suffer with anxiety and panic as soon as I wake up, I have not yet found a solution to this problem but wanted to let you are not alone, many of us suffer with this problem. Hope you find the site helpful. :)

15-08-13, 13:20
for me has been always worse in the morning!

semper solus
15-08-13, 13:23

I also suffer as soon as I open my eyes. I find putting the radio on helps to take my mind of things.

15-08-13, 14:03
hi :)
I feel worse too the minute I open my eyes I feel really unwell,also feel worse at night to,or if I wake up during the night.....I know this isn't much help but wanted you to know your alone on this :)

15-08-13, 14:51
Mornings were always my worst time. I would feel fear & dread from the moment my eyes opened. I didn't see a point to anything and I had no get up and go. Unfortunately (or fortunately whichever way you look at it), I had a job to hold down so I had no choice except to get my backside in gear and get on with it. Looking back now it helped hugely because the busier I was, the less I thought about my anxiety. The less I thought about my anxiety the better I would feel. It took a long time but eventually that morning dread did disappear! xx

15-08-13, 15:08
Today is a bad day my HA not good at the moment i seem to hone in to any slight change in my body and automatically start negative thinking,wish it would just go away