View Full Version : Night Heart Anxiety

15-08-13, 21:27

One of my friends who was only a couple of years older than me, died in his sleep of a heart condition a few months ago. For the past week or two I always feel anxious when it's bedtime and wake up a couple of times in the night which makes me tired in the morning.

Sometimes I feel an impending sense of doom too. Compared to many of you I am fine as I have no physical symptoms just nocturnal mental symptoms. Anybody else have this anxiety?

15-08-13, 21:38
Your first sentence is going to scare a lot of people on this forum. When I read posts like yours when I had severe health anxiety it would send me into a further downward spiral of fear and anxiety. These days it doesn't bother me, but it will bother others so please think about that before posting stuff like this.

Re your anxiety, it's perfectly normal given what's happened. The trick is not relate it to your own life and fate, which is difficult for you at the moment given the circumstances. Bear this in mind though: I stopped playing football for 8 YEARS because a footballer died during a match. 8 YEARS it affected me for, I wasted my prime footballing years because I thought I would suffer a similar fate. He had cardiomyopathy, I didn't but that didn't reassure me back then as I suffered bad and regular palpitations.

I'm sure your anxiety will pass in time but in the meantime your best approach would be to accept that it's normal.

15-08-13, 21:40
I am really so very sorry if this post scares anybody on this forum.

15-08-13, 21:51
Don't worry about it. It's not really something that a person can understand easily unless they have suffered from severe health anxiety which you clearly haven't. It's not your fault. Hope you feel better soon.

Skye Winter
16-08-13, 11:40
One of my friends who was only a couple of years older than me, died in his sleep of a heart condition a few months ago.


Try not to worry. I have heart anxiety 99% of the time I'm awake so I know how you feel. It's hard, it is, but if your heart had an underlying condition I'm sure you'd have had symptoms by now.