View Full Version : New Girl...!

19-10-06, 19:21
Hi all,

Have been really reassured by looking at some of the postings...on 5 July i had a terrible dizzy spell that lasted for 3 hrs. Went straight to doctor (with 6 month old baby in tow) and was told that i had an inner ear infection. Basically things went from bad to worse with me ending up in bed for a week with severe exhaustion, vomiting and diahorrea episodes, sore throat, headaches....i eventually got back on my feet but the symptoms remaied and i kept having funny episodes with pins and needles, dizziness, strange spots in front of my eyes, feeling sick most of the time and feeling generally tired. Even going to the supermarket makes me feel tired and sometimes i just feel that i have to leave. I have had three sets of blood tests and ECG, a full medical and even paid for an MRI scan privately because at one point my GP mentioned MS which put the fear of god in me!

I have been assured by GP that i am fine but got totally paranoid about my health, i have been making the examine by breasts, look at lumps in my throat, you name it, i think i've got it!!!!

Am seeing a private neurologist who has reccomended accupuncture the whole thing is costing me a fortune with the fees and accupuncture but I have had 5 sessions and it works a bit but am still having these strange episodes, although i don't think i am getting the racing heart. I get flushed alot and feel sick and woosy / heady and just feel that i have to get my head down. This is not easy with a 11 month and a 9 year old to look after. I am going back to see the neurologist in 2 weeks after doing some 48hr urine tests and more 'sophisticated' blood tests and if things are no better he is thinking about prescribing 5mg Cipralex which he assures me are not addictive and no side affects......i just want to get back to normal i have a family to look after and my other halfs Mum is seriously ill and he needs my support right now.

The main thing for me has been that i find it hard to accept that these symptoms can be related to the mind as they are so physical.........

Have oly been looking at this site for a few minutes this evening but it is so so so helpful to see others in the same boat.

I really do wish you all the best of luck in getting yourselves better as i never realised how debilitating and truly awful this can be.


19-10-06, 19:37
Hi there Jennie,

Welcome to the forum, It does help to know that you are not alone and you will make some good friends here. This site is full of wonderful people and they will be full of good advice. They have seen me through some really difficult times and I am so grateful that I stumbled across this site. I am sure you will be too. Anyway big welcoming hugs to you


Remember tomorrow is a bright new day

19-10-06, 19:54
Hi and welcome. Check out the posts on cippralex just in case there are side effects!!!

19-10-06, 21:13
Hi Jennie,

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends.

Take care

Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

19-10-06, 22:59
Hi Jennie welcome to the forum.You will make some great friends here and get lots of support.
Take care;)

Ellen XX

19-10-06, 23:36
Hello Jennie,it does seem odd doesn't it ,we can feel so ill and yet not be diagnosed with something 'real'!Well anxiety is real and makes us feel lousy!I have the same symptoms most of the time ,but now have taught myself to 'go with it'.Not always easy but possible hun! You will be exhausted with the kiddies and every thing,Be kind to yourself ,try not to be all things to all people.Is there any one to help you with the baby?Not always possible,i know!Fear breeds fear,that is the key!You will find so much good advice and understanding on here Jennie,You are not alone with this any more!Take care .Love mary rose.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

we are all in the same boat and can guide each other ashore

20-10-06, 00:28
Hi Jennie and welcome :)
Dizziness/lightheadedness, pins and needles feeling, headaches, fatigue - all these symtoms that you are having can definitely be caused by anxiety.
I know it's hard to think that anxiety could cause all of these physical problems. It took me a long time to accept it myself.
I sure hope you feel better real soon :)
And I am sure you will find alot of great info and a bunch of supportive people here.

20-10-06, 05:34
Hi Jen,

A warm welcome to the site. You will get some good advice and support here.

Take care,


20-10-06, 08:12
Hi Jennie,

A big warm welcome to you.

Take Care


20-10-06, 09:29
hiya, im so sorry to hear about this. best of luck. you will find this site a great use


20-10-06, 09:32
Hi Jennie

A BIG warm welcome to you, lovely to see you here,im sure you will get lots of great advice and make new friends.



20-10-06, 12:56
Hello Jennie and welcome!

This site is amazing for things like reassurance! :)

Mo x

Never play leapfrog with a unicorn......