View Full Version : MILD headaches NEED RESPONSE. VERY ANXIOUS

16-08-13, 00:46
Ive posted in past about MILD headaches. OK now for last two days ive had oral infection and have been on amoxiIcillin and painkillers for that. This morning on 8/15 about 9am New York usa time i took painkiller. About 800 mg ibuprofen because pain was getting to me from oral infection. Later about 2pm i had MILD headache and i was shocked because i figured painkiller i took would prevent any pain. Normally IF i take painkiller for headache its one ibuprofen which is 400 mg and that is seldom. I started panicking because as i said i took 800 mg for oral infection, so was shocked to have any pain at all. I KNOW i dont have brain tumor bec ive been checked out medically, and have had the mild head issue for about 2yr and a month and by now a tumor would have serious symptoms other than headache. Even though in my mind i know theres no tumor, emotionally out of anxiety and panic, i freak out. I hate that i do this to myself but i cant always control this fear. I have NO neurological symptoms at all. Any feed back is welcome. Thank You!

16-08-13, 00:51
I assume you have had your eyes tested?

Everyone reacts differently to pain killers as well - so someone may get relief for hours and someone else may not!

16-08-13, 00:57
probably tension headache, from stress, massage your shoulders find the pain spot. I doubt ibruprofens(or any one drug) deal with ALL pains. Maybe a hot bath or heat pack might help. Hope you feel better soon. You DON'T have a tumour..remember that. Hope you feel better soon :)

Daisy Sue
16-08-13, 01:00
Anxiety always makes our minds jump to the worst case scenarios, when in fact much more likely is something like a sinus issue, too much computer, medication, tiredness, hormones, stress, neck/muscle tension etc etc.. there are so many innocent explanations for headaches, but our anxiety monsters will have us ignore those and believe all the serious ones.

Try to relax, and see if you can find anything in your life or routine that may be contributing to the headaches.. and if you can't, have a chat with your GP, & tell them how scared you are - I'm sure they'll reassure you.

16-08-13, 02:19
Thank You very much for your replies. Reassuring