View Full Version : In Agony

16-08-13, 05:50

Sitting here in agony and trying not to panic, got rudely awoken with very bad chest pains and severe pain into the back shoulder blade around the heart area you would think someone was turning a knife around around in my heart, sitting with two wheat bags to see if that will numb the pain a little, dam anxiety must have my muscles so tense its set this pain off again, i had this pain for quite a few months which took me to a&e on many occasions for a pethadine injection trying to sit and relax as i really cant cope with the idea of a hospital visit. :wacko:

16-08-13, 06:01
Could you have a trapped burp?

16-08-13, 06:23

No its an old muscular problem i had brought on by being so anxious and boy is it ever painful just hoping painkillers will kick in soon x

Daisy Sue
16-08-13, 08:56
Has your doc ever suggested some kind of muscle relaxant? If not, might be worth asking about. Sorry to hear you're in so much pain, I hope it goes soon! :(