View Full Version : Headache and smelling burning...

16-08-13, 09:00
Yesterday I had headache most of the day which is fine, but when me and my partner were home watching tv and i got a really strong smell of burning! My partner couldnt smell it at all but i could! now im thinking brain tumour..obviously! anyone else had this? xx

16-08-13, 10:09
hi i would say if it were a BT then you would have more than one headache it would be constant, i have heard of the smell issue before never had this myself but it could be your sense of smell is more hightened i am sure you are ok try not to worry yourself blessings

16-08-13, 10:23
Thank you for replying :)

I think i know deep down its probably nothing, but sometimes i cant help but ask! I have a lot of problems with my visison - visual trails, floaters, so i think that heightens it! xx

Skye Winter
16-08-13, 12:09
Thank you for replying :)

I think i know deep down its probably nothing, but sometimes i cant help but ask! I have a lot of problems with my visison - visual trails, floaters, so i think that heightens it! xx

I have visual issues too, and mine are merely due to eye strain. (My job involves staring at a computer screen all day!) and I also get headaches and other random twitches because of my eye strain. It's probably nothing, please try not to worry, we all get weird symptoms sometimes and 99% of the time they're just anxiety playing with our heads! :)

16-08-13, 13:41
I always used to think this. Every time I smell fire I instantly panic thinking I'm having a stroke! If you had a brain tumour your headache would be constant and you would almost certainly be being sick a lot! Try not to worry :) xxx

16-08-13, 14:09
Thanks for your replies! Im starting to come round a bit now! thankfully my anxierty is no where near as bad as what it used to be, and iv completely got over it now. Thank goodness!!!! xx

16-08-13, 16:29
This made me laugh because I used to think I was having a stroke every time I smelled burnt toast. I would go looking for the source of the burnt toast smell, frantically sniffing the toaster.

I look back now and think: 'what the hell was I doing with my life?'

16-08-13, 17:51
HAHAHA this made me chuckle! thats me! i was wondering round the house trying to find a source, but there was none!

16-08-13, 17:56
Me too!