View Full Version : Worried About Lymphoma

16-08-13, 09:39
Hello All.
I'm new to this site and I'll start by saying that I'm a bit of a hypochondriac. Always looking up symptoms and referring to Doctor google. I usually work in China for the majority of the year but I'm American. I'm about two weeks out from returning to China for the school year and I've been feeling under the weather for about a month.

It all started when I was woken up from sleeping by this tightness in my chest and pain in the middle of my back. Since then, I've had this aching pain in my shoulder that's spread to my armpits and groin. I feel like I have a lot of itching and muscle soreness, along with joint ache, and my chest still feels tight now at times. There's also a pain in my jaw and sometimes it seems the pain spreads to the other side of my back and neck. About two weeks ago, I discovered a small, pea shaped lump n my neck. Sometimes the pain in my arm on one side is so severe I want to cry.

Of course, Doctor google tells me that, without a doubt, I have lymphoma. Is there anything else this could possibly be? Right now I'd just like someone to tell my that my symptoms don't necessarily point to lymphoma, but at the same time, I want to know the truth. I can't NOT go to China. My life is there. I have an appointment with the doctor tomorrow and I plan one telling him my concerns, however, it's a new doctor and I'm scared if I burst into tears it'll make me seem like a loony and he won't take me seriously. Advice, please, anyone? On calming down, talking to a doctor, getting tests, my symptoms? I'd appreciate any and everything friendly you have to say.

16-08-13, 10:13
the chance of you having lymphoma is very slight, but i think going to the dr is the right move, to get their oppinion and advise is really a good idea, so i hope it goes well and your questions are answered good luck blessings

16-08-13, 12:26
Thank you so much for your kind words! :)

---------- Post added at 07:26 ---------- Previous post was at 05:16 ----------

Anyone else have any advice?

16-08-13, 15:43
I agree the chances of it being lymphoma are slight but for your peace of mind you need to see the Dr.
On going to the Dr if I was you I would write down my symptoms before I go plus what you fear these symptoms to be. You can then just ask the Dr to read it and you can then discuss from there. I have found this to be a great help whenever I am panicking about symptoms and my Dr says that he loves people who give him a list to read as he then gets all the info and knows nothing is missing.

16-08-13, 17:09
Thanks a lot for your advice. I have made a list of my symptoms to make sure I don't forget anything. I just don't know...should I tell my doctor my fears, or should I let him just tell me what he thinks?

19-08-13, 20:42
Update: Went to the doctor today and spoke to him about my concerns, including giving my list of symptoms. I've been on this site a lot in the past few days and the best advice I've been given is: don't bombard the doctor with what fatal illness you THINK you have. Tell him your symptoms and let him give you his opinion. You might have been googling for days but he's been working for years. Doctor told me he thought I had a stomach infection or ulcer, basically gastrointestinal distress causing the chest pain, one tiny swollen lymph node and the beginning of carpal tunnel! Allergies for my cough! I'm doing my absolute best to stay way from google and exaggerating my symptoms and the doctor made me feel a bit better. I'm trying to stick with the mantra: I'm young and healthy, no worries!

20-08-13, 07:51
I only just found some of my neck lymph nodes
They surprised me
I thought you couldn't feel them but they're pea sized or smaller
Not so worrying now

20-08-13, 08:00
Exactly! :)