View Full Version : Scared and lost

16-08-13, 13:45

I haven't posted here before but just wondered if anyone had any advice. I started my first job after university four months ago after six months of training abroad, and after about a month I was hit by awful anxiety/depression. I am dragging myself to work every day but I don't know how long I can keep going for. I feel like I have tried all the obvious options - vitamins, exercise, talking to my mum, yoga. I have been referred to CBT which starts next week, but have already tried moodgym and am just not very hopeful it will work.

The worst thing is that all the depressive, negative thoughts are focussed towards my job, which is a really good job in an interesting field with friendly colleagues. I just don't know if I will ever be able to enjoy it with all this negativity focussed on it. And I can't concentrate at all at work, meaning I get so frustrated with myself and even more convinced that I hate work. It feels like a vicious circle and I don't know where to turn. I have tried St. John's Wort and hypnotherapy too, but I don't feel like I am getting anywhere. It's been months now and I don't know what to do.

The logical part of me kind of knows why this has happened - I went to a top university, got top marks, have very high expectations, also due to a few minor issues at work with not having enough guidance. But knowing why doesn't seem to be helping me to get back to how I was.

I am trying the positive thinking with CBT but when the cloud comes over me I don't seem to be able to stop it for the whole day. I feel like my life is slowly falling apart and nothing I do seems to help. I think I will talk to my GP at my appointment on Friday about going on anti-depressants. I had hoped to avoid this but I feel like it is time to try.

16-08-13, 20:32
Welcome to the forums! I'm sure you'll find plenty of help and support here - I certainly have. :)

I can relate to the way you're feeling. I was promoted at work last summer and although I was really excited, I was worried about whether I'd be able to cope with the new job and whether I'd be good enough for it. I started getting intrusive negative thoughts about all kinds of things, even things which weren't related to work. After a few months, I found I really enjoy the new job so I'm glad I went for the opportunity.

It is good that you have been offered CBT, hopefully you'll find it useful and you'll learn about new ways of thinking.

How long were you on St John's Wort for? Unfortunately all antidepressants can take several weeks to kick in fully, herbal or otherwise. Or maybe it just didn't suit you, in which case one of the prescription-only SSRI meds may work better for you. You can discuss it with your doctor on Friday. I'm on citalopram, and along with my self help methods it helps me a lot.

Good luck and I hope you'll be feeling better soon.