View Full Version : Sexual Intrusive Thoughts!

Mr. Dutch
16-08-13, 16:04
For about 5-6 months I've been having sexual intrusive thoughts involving children. I absolutely hate them and cannot get rid of them! Just the sight of a child gets the thoughts running and they are taking over my life. I feel like I'm alone but I know I'm not. I would never act on the thoughts and I love kids that's why I don't understand why I'm having them. They make me feel guilty and seem so real that I would act on them but I never would want to! I'm scared that I will never get to move on with my life and will never have kids or get married. Are these thoughts normal? Please help me :weep:

16-08-13, 16:24
These thoughts are completely normal with OCD. Your not a bad person. Like you said you would not act on these thoughts and you know thats not who you are. Have you spoken to your doctor about these?

Mr. Dutch
16-08-13, 16:30
I have. I went to a psychologist and she put me on medication but I quit taking it because my body didnt get along with it.

16-08-13, 17:50
It might be worth while going back to see if you can change it, if these thoughts are really getting to you.

17-08-13, 15:49
Very common to get this type of thought / intrusive images with OCD. Obviously it is such a difficult/taboo subject and that means of all the OCD symptoms this is one that doesn't get discussed much, which is unfortunate because it is also one of the most disturbing for the sufferer.

Changing medication may help, although to be honest I found some of the medications actually makes intrusive thoughts and general OCD ruminations worse. In my experience even the best medication will not stop the thoughts... BUT the right medication can allow you to become a bit more emotionally detached from the thought - enabling you to just accept that it is there and say to yourself "yeah whatever, I know that is an intrusive thought and it means nothing", rather than getting stuck in the circle of analysis and anxiety these thoughts cause.

17-08-13, 16:32
What medication have you tried up to now. I am on clomipramine which is given for OCD as well as depression and anxiety. I had bad anxious thoughts, not like yours but more thoughts of 'what if I do something stupid to myself', If I was cleaning I would look at bleach for example and think, what if I just drank that or if I was having a walk with family around the park, I would be thinking, what if I just jumped into the lake and drowned, I realise now that they because of a highly anxious and depressed episode in my life that I am still in recovery from but at the time they are very scary. Like the other members have said the best thing to try and do is acknowledge the thought but not let it take over you, think yes I am thinking that but it is just my anxious mind and means nothing. This is easier said than done but with the right medication and support it is possible.

If you you were going to do those things then you would just do them, you would not be frightened of the thought and tell other people what you were thinking.
Stay strong and keep posting, this site is one of the best for help and support from people who won't judge.

18-08-13, 22:56
You are most def not alone with these type of thoughts. I think things like this too. Often about my own children, then I think I am some sort of molester/paedophile and just a complete freak! It's almost as though I think what would be the worst, absolutely most terrible inappropriate thing to think - and then there it is!
I'm on clomipramine now and it is really helping with my issue of pulling out my eyelashes and other hair, and I have noticed a reduction in the terrible thoughts.
MM x

19-08-13, 05:30
Pure O, or obsessive thoughts. There are treatments available so you should do a bit of googling.

We all get them, even "normal" people. I think the difference is some people get too focused on the thoughts and get stressed and the thoughts are more intrusive and won't leave you alone.

Things like standing on something tall like a building or a bridge, lots of people get that weird urge to jump off. Or you might be holding a knife and think about how easy it would b to go on a killing spree.. sounds morbid but totally normal. The thoughts cause you discomfort which is good, it means you'd never actually carry out the thought.

There was a guy on tv show once who had the crazy fear that he was going to kill his new born daughter, he was so upset and scared. It was sad that he thoughts was so real to him he feared he would be capable of it. In the end they somehow managed to cure him and he's no problem with being alone with his daughter.

Online I noticed people get the am I gay, am I a pedophile, did I hit someone with my car, did I cheat on my partner.

They seem to have a hard time accepting it's just a thought and nothing more.
Think of it like a dream, we have all had some disturbing dreams and done things we never would have done in real life.

Stop guilt tripping yourself from harmless thoughts you are having that you can not control and that you have no intention of carrying out.