View Full Version : Feeling terrible

16-08-13, 17:51
I feel really awful today. Yesterday I saw an oral consultant who said I have TMJ. In the afternoon I developed a really weird headache and the top of my head felt very strange. I am sure this is tension as I was in a terrible state as I have severe medical phobia. He didn't take any xrays and I can't get it into my stupid head that the pain in my back molar is linked to the TMJ. Today my tooth has been awful and my jaw is worse than ever. I have had a headache all day too. Panicking a lot and thinking is it my sinuses/tooth/TMJ, over and over again. I have been like this for months and my husband thought that now I have seen the consultant I would suddenly recover, but I feel awful. I have been under so much stress lately, culminating with my ex dying 2 weeks ago.

I am all over the place and just don't feel well, this feeds my HA as I can't believe it's all stress related.

I wish I could take meds but I am just too scared. I am beginning to think that I couldn't feel any worse on meds. I have the odd diazepam, but the last one I took made me feel unwell ... Or was it my anxiety? I just don't know anymore? I hate feeling like this.

16-08-13, 17:55
My molar was agony with TMJ.

16-08-13, 18:06
Thanks for that ... He told me I need to relax, but I am really struggling. The dentist will make a gum shield. I need meds really, but it took me 20 years to take paracetamol!