View Full Version : Numbness feet and hands

16-08-13, 18:49
Bad day today! Had to laugh though! Came here and at the main forum page is said "Social Anxiety: 4 currently active. Health Anxiety: 658 currently active"! So - not alone then, huh??! :yesyes:

My hands and feet feel "desensitized". Not numb as such - that would be exaggerating. Just a little bit "not there". I noticed this has started in my hands since I started the gym - could that be it? Especially the outer two fingers of my left hand - pinched nerve?!

My right foor underside was feeling like this last year. Now it seems to have spread to both feet. I had an MRI last November when it was still just the one foot underside and it was clear. Was it just too early to see lesions? Of course - I`m thinking MS!

What has REALLY freaked me out - friend of friend has just been diagnosed with MS. His first signs? Desensitization in hands and feet! PLEASE someone help me out here - I am going CRAZY with worry!!!

16-08-13, 19:44
Could it be that, because your friend has been diagnosed, you are experiencing these symptoms? Our mind plays such wonderful tricks! This type of thing always happens to me. If I read anything, hear about someone etc my HA kicks in big time and off I go! Hopefully that's all it is ... Actually, my outer two fingers have felt like that for years ... I put it down to banging my elbow really hard. Hope you feel better soon x

19-08-13, 07:59
outer 2 fingers is related to ulnar nerve in elbow. I am having terrible trouble at the moment started as twitch in palm of hand now constant pain in elbow and down arm and numbness/tingling especially in outer 2 fingers and that side of palm, check out cubital tunnel and ulnar nerve compression. caused major health anxiety attack for me.