View Full Version : Annoyed. Bored, :(

16-08-13, 19:28
Hi guys.
Just feeling sorry for my self.
This is the fourth weekend I've spent on my own.
Today at work I heard all the guys about my age talking about going out tonight etc but I didn't get a mention so had a nosy on facebook and their all friends with each other (I don't have them on facebook but can see their page)
And yes their all off out tonight...
All I've done for a month is work.., home, sleep, work again. And again .
Feeling miserable.

16-08-13, 20:59
Hi Emma. What kind of hobbies do you have? I've met lots of friends through different hobbies - it works well as straightaway you have something in common. Try not to worry about not going out with the work people (although I'd be the same!) You just need to look elsewhere for stuff to do. I also met some friends online on a social forum - maybe that's an idea?

17-08-13, 12:35
I love to read and listen to music.
Not much else to be honest.
Still just feeling alone all the time. Sometimes a book helps x

17-08-13, 13:00
Hi, Em.ma. My partner joined a Roller Derby team. Now it may not be what most are into initially, but after knowing no one in the local area (after we moved) she now has met many women from all walks of life. You dont have to compete either, they always need help with things like reffing, fundraising etc..

17-08-13, 13:58
Hi Emma, try adding a couple of them on Facebook. You never know, they might not realise you use it. Maybe suggest going to the pub one night. They might go for it, or invite you to join them instead. When you have anxiety it's so easy to come across as not wanting to be friends when the opposite is the case. Let on that you want to be friends, and their perceptions may change.

Didn't you get your bike fixed up recently? Maybe a little bike ride would pass some time.

17-08-13, 19:17
I do have one on fb his left now though n not a young person.
Yes do have my bike.
Just feeling left out (I've always been to ugly for people to invite out)

18-08-13, 01:03
Aww Emma, you are NOT ugly, so please don't say that about yourself.

I kind of understand what you're saying though cos I've never really been part on the "in crowd" ever, and that was probably partly my own doing, because I was quite happy being left alone, I was very quiet and wouldn't put myself forward for anything, in fact as I got older, I know that I used to give off the "don't even think about approaching me" signal. Of course, I didn't realise that I was doing it at the time, but I now know that I was.

Do you have a lot of confidence Emma?? are you shy?? or frightened??

All these things can have an effect on how we come over to others.

But it certainly isn't because you're ugly.

It's easy for others to pick up the signals and it's easy for us to give out the wrong one's. You see, if you really believe it's because you're ugly, which you are NOT, you could be giving out the signals that say "okay, I'm ugly so please don't ask me out" It's all to do with our facial expressions and body language.

Do you love yourself as a person??

Some people have a problem with this, they say you shouldn't love yourself?

Okay, but if you don't love and like yourself, how can you expect others to love and like you??

Emma try some affirmations hun.

Look in the mirror and tell yourself that you're a lovely, pretty girl, you've got a lovely, caring nature and you love to have fun, at first you'll feel a bit silly, I did, but the more you do that, the more you will grow to love "you" and who "you" are.

Try an experiment.........

Get a piece of paper and a pen and write down just one thing that you like about yourself, it can be anything you like, your eyes, your hair, your face, your legs and so on. Do this every day and when you feel ready, add another thing that you like about yourself.

Have a go and let us know how you get on with it hun :hugs:

18-08-13, 08:11

I am not shy at work.
Intact I'm told I'm quite outgoing and am always happy to talk anyone their. Infant they all talk to me when I'm their. Have just had a nosy on fb again and I don't know why I'm jealous because I hate clubs/pubs/bars anyway lol
I think I'd rather sit on my iPad and read lol...
I like my personality thats one thing i do like I think I'm a nice person. But people so easily get judged on looks and not from what's on the inside :(. These two girls the two boys went with look like supermodels. They have long shiny black hair and are so so so pretty then theirs me frizzy ginger hair lol.
I like your idea though but I prefer things about my personality than what I look like...

18-08-13, 09:40
These two girls the two boys went with look like supermodels. They have long shiny black hair and are so so so pretty then theirs me frizzy ginger hair lol.
There's no denying men are attracted to women's appearance, but they also want someone who is enjoyable to be around. Not all men go for long shiny black hair anyway. There's nothing wrong with being ginger :bighug1:

Be brave, try to add one of them on Facebook!