View Full Version : Newbe :-)

16-08-13, 20:46
Hi Everyone,

Hope your all having a non anxious day today :)

I'm new to this fab site so hopefully I'll learn a lot from it and from you guys too.
My situation as I like to call it is that I have huge fears of panic attacks and the panic sensations and to add insult to injury there's a bit of agoraphobia thrown in too.
I've had anxieties for most of my life but that didn't affect me at a young age, this all started in my 20's, was put on loads of meds and xanax too (which I got very very addicted to) Anyways, went into rehab to get off the meds back in 2008 and succeeded but must admit I am now back on meds but this time under strict observation where I will discuss with my doc as he knows my rehab time and knows I don't want to go down that road again.
The meds I'm on now are Seroxat 20mg's 1/day and just started Lyrica 50mg's 2/day. I've been on Seroxat since late last year and they seem to have made me less anxious :D so we'll see how the Lyrica does.
I've tried Hypnotherapy, Acupuncture, Mindfulness CBT, Homeopathy, Natural Remedies but last year I did CBT for the second time and I must say that tought me loads because the CBT I did before wasn't specifically for PDA (panic disorder and agoraphobia).
Anyways, I won't harp on and on....... sooooo.... bascially my situation is fear of fear and those anxious thoughts, fear of panic attacks and the panic sensations, hence, I won't go too far from my house. Even today me and my missus went to go for lunch at a restaurant only down the road from our house and I had to sit in the car for ages then when I got out of the car I got to the top of the stairs in the restaurant and waited there for a while while all these images of panic went through my head, anyways, we ended up leaving :mad:I was so disappointed in myself.
Why is it so difficult to put into practice with what we/I learned from CBT, books etc? I reckon it's a phobia of panic attacks with me.
Hopefully I can help you with what I've learned through my experiences and hopefully you can teach me too.
Wishing you all the very best of success in your recovery and I look forward to hearing from you. :yesyes:

16-08-13, 20:55
:welcome:to NMP........hope u get all the support u need x

19-08-13, 08:39
From another newbie
I know about being disappointed in myself too but replace that thought straightaway with a better one: you are trying as hard as you can right now and none of it is your fault. You are strong; non sufferers have no idea what we have to battle through to keep going.

19-08-13, 12:16
I do the same thing,I can't even contemplate sitting in a cinema! What I do about an hour before going out for a meal is take two herbal kalms and sit and have a nice cup of chamomile tea. The most.important thing is not over thinking the situation. I hope this helps

19-08-13, 12:41
Welcome to the site and please don't be disappointed in yourself. You got out of the house and got to the restaurant, that is an achievement. Little steps remember?

Daisy Sue
19-08-13, 12:47
You're not alone.. I also will arrange things so that my chances of having a panic attack are minimised, like sitting at the end of a cinema aisle, or parking near the exit sign, because I fear the panic feelings.

You sound as if you're almost there though - you have all the tools, it's just a matter of putting it all into practice when it matters.

This might help you - it did me - I made a tape of my own voice saying quotes from the CBT info which my counsellor gave me, and threw in a few of my own like "this is only anxiety, you're not going to die, you've had it before, it'll go away" etc... and whilst meditating or doing relaxation, I'd play the tapes..

Then, when I was out somewhere, like in a supermarket, I would mentally play the tapes in my head, and most times it helped. It's almost like switching your concentration from what you're feeling, to something you can listen to in your head. I also did this with the tape that my CBT guy did for me himself.

It helped me connect what I learnt with putting it to use when needed.

20-08-13, 00:19
hi welcome to no more panic!! :smile: ive only recently joined here myself and everyones really nice and helpful :smile: hope you find the help and answers your looking for here! :smile:
