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16-08-13, 22:16
i ve had this breast issue since last year and finally had my mammo and ultrasound last March.And from then i ve had lots of hospital visits regarding stomach pain,knee pain and UTI..and blood in urine which i had ultrasounds,blood tests,MRI,cystoscopy.but lately ive been feeling some discomfort in my breasts its like it comes from the armpit and into the side of the breast and some tenderness in my strenum as well,this sensation i cant really quite describe ,its like somebody is trying to lift you up from both your armpit and its very uncomfortable.What i would like to know is that do i need to seek another load of test regarding my breast well in fact i have it done only recently 5 months to be exact and it all turn out to be fine.?I am just very fed up in going to the hospital.any support and post will be highly appreciated:huh:

17-08-13, 10:27

17-08-13, 10:56
If all your tests have been clear, could this be tension? HA does weird things to us! Hope you feel better soon. Sorry I can't be more helpful, but I just wanted to reply as I know it's horrid when nobody acknowledges your worries. Take care x

17-08-13, 11:34
Thank you jillyb I just dont know what to do anymore im having a hard time accepting everythings fine when you feeel somethings not right and your mind will give you just one thought that you have something and you will die soonm

17-08-13, 16:26
What you're describing is the pectoralis muscle and it's attachments. Most likely strain or tension, certainly doesn't sound like anything sinister.

18-08-13, 05:18
Thanks joelhall for the reply it really does help me..i just cannot go on like this being alone with my self.

18-08-13, 07:12
I know that muscle tension and strain can cause pain around the breast area as I have been to my GP regarding this in the past and after having my breast examinations have been assured I am experiencing muscle pain. Wearing a bra which is too tight can add to this, I got a different size and my pain was a little better and I try and do stretching exercises now and again to loosen the area off. If you have had tests then try and be reassured that it is nothing sinister. xxx

18-08-13, 10:24
Thank you almamatters,i know that you have had post on my previous regarding this and i really appreciate it very much.just dont know where to start .

18-08-13, 18:23
Thank you almamatters,i know that you have had post on my previous regarding this and i really appreciate it very much.just dont know where to start .

I know it is easy for me to say but I suppose to start by being reassured by all the tests you have had, if you were given the all clear 5 months ago then this is great news . I worry about the same things as you on a daily basis but I also hate to accept any simple reason for my aches and pains and always look for signs of a more serious illness. I hope you are feeling better soon xxxx