View Full Version : Mole...

16-08-13, 23:06
I have had a mole on my left arm for aslong as I can remember, but when I woke up this morning I looked at it and it had risen and has like a black looking scratch/scab on it.
It isn't itchy, it's sore where I have been playing with it, it's still brown, regular shaped, hasn't grown, just risen slightly, there is no redness, no un-ordinary boarder.

What do you think? I think I was playing with it yesterday and started like squeezing it and scratching it, I'm not sure :(

I'm dead scared though!

16-08-13, 23:47
You might of knocked it in your sleep and playing with it will only make it look 10x worse I had a mole in my back I noticed had grown and had redness around this mole really scared me I was convinced it was skin cancer I thought right I'm going to die went the doctors twice both said looks fine still wasn't convinced so was referred to community dermatoligist who check my mole and all my other moles and he said they look normal I felt so relived what you are best doing is going to your gp for your own piece of mind it will only eat away at you! I'm sure everything is just fine I know exactly how anxious it makes you xx

17-08-13, 20:02
This happens to me quite a lot. I put some neosporin on it and wait a few days. It invariably gets better. Be v surprised if anything to worry about, especially if no change in size, color, borders or shape.